June 04, 2003

Tungsten C Day 1

My demo Tungsten C arrived this afternoon from A & R Partners, Palm's PR firm. In the box was a repacked T|C, along with a cradle, charging cable for the cradle (big power brick on the outlet side), and a shrink-wrapped disk and docs packet. The box itself is a 6-inch cube--very business-like.

Although I've been advised by smart folks to start from scratch and rebuild my work environment from my Palm IIIxe, rather than trying to Hotsync everything on as is, I decided to try it the Hotsync way first. I've been through this before, both as I upgraded units and with demo machines, so I know the drill:

  1. Hotsync the IIIxe.
  2. Copy the complete backup directory to another directory, to preserve the existing environment for recreation later.
  3. Go in to the original backup directory and remove everything that isn't necessary or likely to work on the new machine, including:

    • Penticon's Hebrew and Luach;
    • All Hebrew documents;
    • The libraries I installed to enable PQA (aka Web clipping) support on my IIIxe;
    • The OS3.52 upgrades;
    • All PQAs;
    • Linkesoft's X-Master (used for running system hacks);
    • All hacks; and
    • Anything else that looks questionable.

  4. Make another copy of the Backup directory, this time as it will hopefully work on the T|C;
  5. Install the new Palm Desktop software from the CD that came with the T|C, making sure to select "Custom" rather than automatic installation so I could tell the software to install the PocketMirror conduit to connect with my Microsoft Outlook setup (Note: I kept getting an error and had to reboot my computer before the installation would proceed).
  6. Hotsync the new Tungsten C....and....

  7. Get a fatal error every time I try to reset the Tungsten, and have to start again.


Okay, I'll do it their way. Clear out the entire Backup directory, hard reset the Palm (reset + power button, then Up) to clear everything, and re-Hotsync. Watch the PocketMirror Monitor tick slowly from left to right as it copies everything from Outlook to the T|C. Watch some more.

Okay, that worked. Now to install my old apps...one...at....a...time. Sigh.

More later. {Jonathan}

Posted by jezor at June 4, 2003 03:21 PM

jonathon et al...

looking for hebrew support for tungsten t (OS5) and - if it exists - hebrew luach support. anyone know anything? e-mail please... tia.


Posted by: Rachel at November 3, 2003 03:49 PM

Hi Jonathan et al,
Also looking for Hebrew support for OS5 devices(T3 and TJ25) -- the PiLoc Graffiti is impossible, plus it is outrageously overpriced. Email us please.

Posted by: at January 9, 2004 12:54 AM

Hi Jonathan et al,
Also looking for Hebrew support for OS5 devices(T3 and TJ25) -- the PiLoc Graffiti is impossible, plus it is outrageously overpriced. Email us please.

oops, forgot the emaill address ....

Posted by: at January 9, 2004 01:01 AM
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