June 30, 2003

Tungsten C Day 27 -- Speaker Has Failed.

I knew this was too good to be true.  Other than the problem I've had with the Ultra-Thin Keyboard (see previous entry), the Tungsten C has been trouble-free.

Until now.  The speaker has failed completely.  I get no sounds coming from the T|C at all, no matter the settings on the various types of volume (System/Game/Alarm), even after a hard reset deleted everything I've loaded onto the Tungsten that doesn't come built in to ROM.  Nor do Kinoma Player or RealOne for Palm make any noise through the speaker.  Not even so much as a click.

The good news is that Palm sent me a headphone to try out, so I can verify that the sound-creation circuitry is still functioning.  With the headset, the sound works perfectly.  That's why I've concluded that this is some kind of hardware failure.

I'm going to have to pursue this with Palm.  I'll keep you all informed. {Jonathan}

Posted by jezor at June 30, 2003 05:19 PM

it is a hardware failure, I have a tungsten C and the sound works (not too loud though.. you can't hear it unless there is pretty much absolute silence)

Posted by: Roge at March 9, 2004 01:53 PM

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