Bon soir...

As I write to you, dear Troll...I am admiring the lovely piece you sent me. Payoffs are lovely, especially in the form of Rembrandt.

Life in Paris is much the same since last I wrote....the Beautiful Ones still reign supreme here in the City of Lights, although with some annoyance from the Ventrue, who seem to be under the impression they are born leaders. The new Ventrue Elder of Paris, Jean-Francois is under the assumption that being typically male, Ventrue, and horribly arrogant will help him swing the control of Paris to Ventrue. Il est un petit predictable, the Ventrue, n'est pas?

And as Jean-Francois is becoming rather annoying to me, I have struck a rather interesting deal with the Brujah Mikhail....I let him know when the Ventrue will be attending one of our fetes, and he disposes of them on their way home. Both of our Clan's needs are being served that way....the Brujah's hunger for Ventrue deaths, and our pleasure at the thinning out of those power hungry bores.

My collection grows greater day by day, Troll, and many thanks to you for our 'deal' much beauty has never been enclosed in one space before, I is almost too powerful to live with....but I manage.

Another note of interest....the Malkavians here are acting a bit strange. Not as though that is surprising, but they seem a little more organized than usual....somthing must be up their collective harlequin sleeves......

The Sabbat is relatively quiet, per usual. It seems a Bishop was rather nastily disposed of last month...the body turning up on the doorstep of Clan Tzimisce's Haven on Rue Vavin...a rather slapdash approach to a haven, if you ask me, although when have the Tzimisce been worried about aesthetics?

Clan Tremere is skulking about as usual, warning everyone of the Jyhad....such a mood-killing group they are. A few of the real fanatics made an appearance at an art showing in my gallery a few months ago....draped in monk-like, Halloween-esque robes, and accusing us of being degenerates and wasting our power in the City. When will those dreary little people is art...the pursuit of artistic perfection, happiness. I suppose I cannot expect such terribly unexciting individuals to enjoy the true pursuit of happiness.

As there are relatively few Gangrel, I have little to speak of their activities as of late....I have not seen hide nor hair, no pun intended, of them in the past few months. Though I hear there are some in the outskirts of the City, I rarely venture out into the sticks to check up on them. I leave them be, and they go about their business.

Within my own clan, all is intrigue, as usual. There are some who believe I shall be the one to take the office of Prince. The current Prince is....shall we say....not doing well. Burning out. Becoming careless in his kills, et cetera. Some believe he should be replaced before the Ventrue find this out and strike while the iron is hot. By the time you recieve this, it's most likely that he will be replaced. Perhaps by me.

What changes will be made if that is the case.....I shudder to think...and what a contact for you, dear little Troll:the Prince of Paris...keep the beautiful gifts coming, and all will be told.....

Madelyne St. Elysian
Fifth in the Line Of Arikel, Mother of Beauty
Childe of Giselle

You can write to Madelyne at