Who's Who Among the Toreador

Alexandria - 5th Generation
Roan Bishop - 8th Generation
Gontran Gour - 8th Generation
Iain Ogilvie - 6th(?) Generation
Geneveve Orseau - 5th Generation
Adrian Reece - 11th(?) Generation
Derrick Zeel - 4th(?) Generation

Derrick Zeel

The Kindred known as Derrick Zeel is a porn star. He owns the video production company that makes his films. Zeel is a major figure in the slave trade, and some claim that he has cults dedicated to him in every corner of the world. Gangs of powerful anarchs surround him and keep other Kindred from bothering him.

No one knows Zeel's real identity. Many believe he is an incredibly ancient Toreador, but few have actually seen him in person. One Thaumaturgist claims Zeel is a Fourth-Generation Toreador. Legends tell of an Toreador names Iontius who was Embraced in ancient Greece. Iontius somehow gained the ability to feed off his victims through sex rather than by normal vampiric means. Some claim that the sexual undertones of vampiric myths originated with him. Iontius supposedly never used his real name, but he has been spotted throughout history. He has kept a Giovanni lover for centuries, acted as a major leader in the fight against the Inquisition, and infiltrated and betrayed the Sabbat.

If the Sabbat ever finds evidence that Zeel is Iontius, a War Party will be called for him immediately.

Geneveve Orseau

Orseau was Embraced at least 800 years ago and made her reputation as an important and respected art critic. While she is a Poseur, she has demonstrated her abilities as an Artiste in the past. Orseau controls one of the largest Toreador art schools in existence and has students around the world. She is incredibly wealthy and has several childer.

What truly makes her unique is her past. Orseau is believed to be one of the few faerie changelings to survive vampiric Embrace. She has demonstrated odd powers in the past to support thos outrageous claim. In addition, she was a major leader in the Jyhad between the Toreador and the Followers of Set throughout the 11th and 12th centuries. Some whisper that she is an agent of the Inconnu, but this is only rumor.


Alexandria is believed to be a Fifth-Generation Toreador who controls a number of casinos in Chile and Argentina. She is also the Prince of Buenos Aires. An extremely beautiful vampire, she controls most of the Camarilla's activities in Argentina. Alexandria travelled to the New World with Francisco Pizarro's expedition. She is known to have feuded with Helena, another ancient Toreador who came to the New World around the same time. Some older Toreador claim Alexandria is actually Callisti y Castillo.

Alexandria is not your typical Toreador. In addition to her already busy schedule, she is possibly the greatest art thief to ever exist. She has stolen many of the greatest masterpieces in existence, replacing them with undetectable fakes. Other Princes have placed her on their most-wanted lists under the identity of "Red Ludwig." She is the owner of one of the largest private collections of museum-quality works.

Roan Bishop

Born and raised in New York (1911) and being the youngest son decided to take up the mantle of priest. While in Rome his training eventually brought him in line with the Society of Leopold and he was slowly groomed for the inquisition. The group's vampire huntings brought them to Madrid where a 7th generation vampire named Dyonus captured him, interrogated him and finally embraced him to clan Toreador. After his release he gained status in Barcelona serving the Toreador primogen there named Margarite. To this day he has remained in her sway, though if by his own will or her own is yet to be seen.

Iain Ogilvie

Embraced 700 years ago in Scotland, Ogilvie is rumoured to be a childe of Geneveve Orseau. He seems to have made a return to a more public existence of late, having been prominent in Scottish and Toreador society in the 18th century. He was one of the Toreador who instigated the Jacobite rebellions, ultimately unsuccessful due to the strength of Mithras and the treachery of the Tremere who reneged on their promises of support. Earlier in his unlife he assisted his sire in her struggles against the Setites and has gained their emnity.

A gifted musician and the possessor of some unique manuscripts and literature including original portfolios, some unpublished, and first editions. He is said to live with his spouse in a castle which appears ruined due to the influence of Faerie glamour. His few and select invited guests however can see the castle as it is, a fine example of Jacobean architecture. The further nature of his dealings with the fae remain obscure.

Gontran Gour

Gour used to be a philosophy teacher in Maisonneuve College, Montreal. He left for a philosophy meeting in Germany just a little over 10 years ago. He met with many famous Toreador philosophers (who, coincidentally, had been his thinking masters his whole life). During that time, he became member of one of those Toreador's herd. When the Sabbat crashed the party, he was embraced to protect his master.

Gour survived and saved the prince of the local city from the Sabbat. The prince thanked him and accepted him. He lived in Germany with his Sire for a few years. During that time he spent most of his time reading ages-old books on philosophy. He did not see his wife nor his son during that period, but he nevertheless wrote frequently. When he learned that Montreal had been liberated from the Sabbat, he took the first flight out and flew home.

He resumed his now-modified life, with his wife accepting his fate. None of his fellow Kindred are aware that he has told his wife, however. In order to provide income, he bought a well-known topless bar. Shortly thereafter, he published his first book, a great success, LA MAISON DU LOUP. The book is currently on the verge of becoming this year's best seller.

His boost of popularity has prompted many other neonate Toreadors into calling him for Ancillahood. The Toreador Prince agreed, as the post was vacant anyway. Gour is now Ancilla and hopes to unite the local Toreador into a tightly-knit clan. His name is talked about with veneration by many Toreador antitribu, who often come to visit to ask questions about his latest endeavor.

Adrian Reece

Reece currently resides in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Why he has not moved to the larger Metropolis of Toronto since his arrival to Canada is unknown. He hails recently from L.A, a staunch supporter of the Anarch Movement who followed it from its roots in Europe. Adrian occasionally claims loyalty to the Camarilla, though his true loyalties are unknown.

Initially thought to be 11th Generation, the power and abilities he displays from time to time belie his age. This may indicate diablerie.

He is known to be at least 500 years old and is never seen without his Sister/Lover "Molly," a Gangrel neonate.

Adrian was recently noted as the Toreador Primogen in Oshawa, though recent reports indicate that he has been ousted and a Blood Hunt has been called on him in that city.

Any indication of his whereabouts or actions should be reported at once to the Oshawa Primogen. Standard prestation applies, of course.

If you have a Toreador that belongs on this list, please notify me with relevant information, and I'll be happy to add him or her to this list.