"I want to make sure I've got a chair when the music stops"
-Clear and Present Danger
Tremere are loyal to an authority many of them will never remember seeing, and many more hope they never do. Their heirarchy is second to none. No detail escapes their notice at some level. So when dealing with the Tremere above you, never lie. Just don't do it. You can seldom gain from it, and will always lose big if caught. When dealing with Tremere below you, never let them see you sweat.

Imagine the worst racist you've ever met, not the frothing ones, but the cold, calculated ones that almost make it sound like the great idea. THAT is how Tremere look at all other Clans, Camarilla or otherwise. Clan first, others second. And your Clan should be respected and/or feared by others. Within the Clan, action should be monolithic; this is not, however, to say that Tremere do not encourage free thought. Without it, all the other things are moot points.

The important of unity and loyalty cannot be overstated, though this is not to say personal agendas aren't important. Putting yourself in a position where you are subservient to a member of another Clan is heartily frowned upon, if not disallowed. It jeopardizes your ability to serve the Clan, right? Now, being a spy for the Clan in such a capacity, well, that's a different story...

Remember that status is pretty much conserved in a LARP, and that in Clan Tremere, your status came from someone else. It was theirs first. They probably want it back. You probably want more.

Which brings us to...

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