The Carnivorous Carny Quote:
Step right up, ladies and gentlemen - but not for children, for what writhes and undulates beyond these curtains is NOT for the faint of heart! Yes - SEE the Wolf Man of the Appalachians! MARVEL at the Inside-Out Woman! THRILL to the sensational, shocking spectacle of the Salamander Boy's suppurating slime! And for a mere five, yes, FIVE dollars more...

You grew up with the Sabbat as a Zantosa revenant. To you, torture sessions were as normal as Nickelodeon, and you ate human meat as often as Beenee-Weenees. You lived in the backwoods, where your family performed occasional scouting missions for the vampires you served.

Your cousins always idolized the Lasombra, with their spiffy city clothes and their flashy cars, but you knew where the real power lay. Accordingly, when a lone Tzimisce staggered into your family's homestead with a pack of Camarilla Archons on his tail, you knew what to do. Using your natural charm and superior knowledge of the terrain, you lured the Archons into traps and staked them one by one. Then, you invited your Sabbat guest to dinner.

In gratitude, he Embraced you that night. He took you away to the big city, where you bought spiffy city clothes of your own (or took them from the corpses of Ventrue ghouls.) You were natural Sabbat and were eventually given charge of your own nomadic pack. Now your pack and ghouls migrate from Camarilla city to Camarilla city in the guise of a travelling freak show, reconnoitering and fomenting dissent.
You have had a lot of life (and unlife) experience; this is reflected in your Abilities. As you are a mediocre fighter, you prefer to attack from ambush or to command others.

Roleplaying Tips:
You can project rustic ingenuousness or slick friendliness at the drop of a hat. You are extroverted and sometimes genuinely like the beings you meet. This doesn't stop you from looking out for Number One (you) or Number Two (the sect.) If you see an opportunity to screw anyone or anything for more Sabbat Status, you'll do it faster than you can suck the vitae from a premature crack baby.

Flashy suit, sword cane, Winnebago, 12-gauge shotgun, manacles, whip, Mason jars containing pieces of human fat (you can't eat, but you can chew...)

This info is ©1995 White Wolf. It is currently used without their blessing or permission. I'm real sorry 'bout that...but I mean 'em no harm. And if they say to remove it, I'd be happy to. I'm not doing this for money, or glory, or anything except to further the reach of their already incredible game system, and probably making 'em even MORE money...but still...