A Helping Hand for Film People and Businesses on the Internet

The Internet is now very much a force to be contended with. As you've browsed and threaded your way around, exploring topics that interest you, you've landed on this page. If you're new to exploring the web and haven't yet created a niche for yourself, perhaps I can be of some assistance.

I'm not a full-time web author or service provider.  My main professional interest continues to be design and scenery production.  But I am interested in helping local people in the film business to create their own spaces on the web and become a part of an informal connection system that may help them promote their interests and get more business.

While I basically recommend that people set up their own accounts with service providers and, to the extent that they can, maintain their own websites.  I realize that there are some who would prefer to job all or part of that work out to others.

As witnessed by these pages, I do a certain amount of very basic authorship myself. I enjoy creating simple pages that load fast with minimal hype and hysteria, especially if the content is related to local film production.  (The film community is a little like a small town within the larger metropolis, and I enjoy finding a kind of small-town life within the larger city.)

Please feel free to send e-mail to: jviii@panix.com if you think you need some help in deciding how to find a place for yourself online.

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Jim Jenkins ... a.k.a. jviii@panix.com 718-784-7078

Revision: 9-20-98