
は WA
subjectobject verb
四 [よ]
時 [ジ]
to be
四時です [よジ・です]
It is 4 o'clock.
turns sentence into question
四時ですか [よジ・ですか]
Is it 4 o'clock?
何 [なん-]
今 [いま]
今何時ですか [いま・なんジ・ですか]
What time is it now?


California State University Fullerton Japanese Program Kana and Kanji Study Material (English).

Beginner's Japanese, Joanne R. Claypoole, edited by Emiko Hara, 1994. This book seems to cover the bases pretty well, although I find it a bit hard to use (for example, index entries don't always point to the most useful page). Like most books in English it has too much ローマ字. It has some, but not enough, カタカナ and ひらがな, and no 漢字.

The Magical Power of Suru, Nobuo Sato, 1995. This is a clever, although somewhat special purpose, book which covers the many uses and conjugations of する. It has too much ローマ字 but also includes カタカナ, ひらがな, and 漢字 enough to avoid driving me totally crazy.

EDICT from Jim Breen.

Jim Kingdon, 日本語, 各種資料.

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Jim KINGDON: 日本語 English.