"The wild corybantic orgy, this din of brasses, tin pans and kettles, this Chinese or Caribbean clatter with wood sticks and ear-cutting scalping knives... heartless sterility, obliteration of all melody, all tonal charm, all music... This revelling in the destruction of all tonal essence, raging satanic fury in the orchestra, this diabolic, lewd caterwauling, scandal-mongering, gun-toting music, with an orchestral accompaniment slapping you in the face... Hence, the secret fascination that makes this music the darling of the feeble-minded royalty, the plaything of the camarilla, of the court flunkeys covered with reptilian slime, and of the blase hysterical female court parasites who need this galvanic stimulation by massive instrumental treatment to throw their pleasure-weary frog-legs into violent convulsions.... this diabolical din of this pig-headed man, stuffed with brass and sawdust, inflated, in an insanely destructive self-aggrandizement, by Mephistopheles' mephitic and most venomous hellish miasma, into Beelzebub's Court Composer and General Director of Hell's Music-- Richard Wagner." -- J.L. Klein as quoted in the Wagner-Lexicon