Tracking the "Crusader Spammer"

Many people (though not all) received the following after they got the other essay. I will leave a discussion of their flawed logic up to people more experienced.

What would you say if a Liberal "social scientist" told you to
jump into a pool filled with five hundred ravenous piranhas?

If you valued your life, you'd certainly refuse the invitation.

But what if the Liberal "social scientist" tried to convince you
to go ahead and jump in, with the argument that "not all of the
piranhas are aggressive.  Some of them probably just want to make
friends with you, and really aren't hungry either.  To say that a
piranha is going to attack you, just because he's a piranha, is a
wicked stereotype, and probably contributes to the piranhas'
negative feelings about you."

If that argument was made to you, would you then jump into the
pool filled with piranhas?  I don't think so.  You'd probably
figure, quite logically, that even if there were one or two or
even a dozen piranhas that by chance or due to a recent meal
decided not to attack you, that certainly wouldn't change the
bloodthirsty behavior of the other 488.  And it certainly
wouldn't change the outcome of any foolish foray into the pool.

But let's say you were foolish enough to listen to the Liberal
"social scientist," and you did jump into the pool filled with
piranhas.  You somehow managed to survive.  You made it to the
other side of the pool, where you jumped out, but you were
seriously injured in the process.  After you got out of the
hospital, where your wounds were stitched up and your lost blood
was replaced, you were paid a visit by your old "friend," the
Liberal "social scientist."

Needless to say, you weren't too happy to see him, but before you
could say a word, he started talking.

"I'm awfully sorry to see how you've been hurt," he said, "but it
isn't my fault at all, you see."

You replied, "You mean, oh great and wise social scientist, that
you can finally see that those piranhas are vicious and I don't
belong in the pool with them?"

"No, I don't mean that at all," answered the Liberal "social
scientist," "It's not the piranhas' fault that you almost got
eaten alive.  It's not the poor piranhas' fault at all!  It's
your fault!"

"My fault!" you exclaim, "How the hell could it be my fault?"

"Ah, how little you goyim understand," sighed our Liberal genius,
"Don't you see that what happened to you only happened because those
poor piranhas were underprivileged and hungry? If you'd given them
enough food and a decent chance at life, then they wouldn't have
attacked you like they did. When was the last time you helped a piranha?
They've been struggling for centuries while your kind lived in
luxury.  Don't you think it's time the tables were turned?  And
not only that, but your kind have caused the poor innocent piranhas
to feel left out in your society.  Naturally they harbor negative
feelings about you, when you never want to have anything to do with them.
You should understand that we all hate what we don't know. We must
integrate piranhas into our society, keep them in our swimming pools
and bathtubs and introduce them into all our rivers, mountain streams,
and lakes. By associating with piranhas every day, and by feeding them as
much as they want to eat, eventually a spirit of brotherhood will
emerge and we and the piranhas will live together in peace, harmony,
and joyous diversity evermore.  But you, Mr. Ordinary Human" - and
here the Liberal "social scientist" thrust his flabby little
finger into your face - "you are going to have to change your
evil ways before we can have that happy world!"

"You're out of your mind!" you reply.  "Piranhas may be fine in
the Amazon jungle, but you're crazy if you think we can live and
associate with them every day.  We and they just don't belong
together - and if you're so in love with piranhas, why don't YOU
go on a little swim with them?  And if you think I'm going to
waste my money and time feeding them and helping them multiply
just so they can eat me and my family alive at some time in the
future, Mr. Genius social scientist, then you've got another
think coming!"  With that you kick his delicate carcass

Still smarting from his fall, and rapidly retreating backwards,
the Liberal "social scientist" shakes his spindly fist and calls
back to you, "Your generation is hopeless.  You'll never
understand the need to integrate with and support piranhas.  But
your children will.  Our 'brotherhood' program at the elementary
school will teach them that it's their duty to live with and help
the poor piranhas.  They'll be swimming with them every day at
the school's pool.  And that's just the first step!  There's
nothing you can do about it!"

Gradually the voice of your former friend the Liberal fades away,
but he's certainly given you something to think about, hasn't he?

**This article was based on the *American Dissident Voices* program of
10th April, 1993.

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