Pi represented as music.

I saw this link on Rocketboom and thought it cool enough to share.

Math Songs

Dylan's Dance Recital...

It doesn't get much cuter than this...

Imaginary Johnny hits iTunes.

Congratulations to our friends at Imaginary Johnny for getting their live CD No Air: Songs of Imaginary Johnny +1 on the iTunes Store.

Check it out, and their other releases as well.

Teevee.org does a great April Fools Joke.

They created an entire site of fake news. Tons of fake articles. Really well done. Must have taken tons of time.

Take a few minutes and read through some of the articles.

The Television City Chronicle

These are the same folks who brought us the brilliant TeeVeePedia last year.

Sad news. RIP, Sam.

Sam the snake passed away this past weekend. We only had him for 2 short months, but in that time, we loved him and are very saddened by his passing.

In all the time we had him, he never ate. We tried to feed him several times and brought him in to the vet, but nothing did any good. It might have been a virus that he would have had before we got him, or it may have been something else. We'll never know.

He lived a short life, but I hope he was happy in that time. Farewell, little guy.
