March 4

After a slow start, yesterday turned out to be a pretty good day.  I had my swim, and that was wonderful.  The day was quiet, and I spent a fair amount of time with the heating pad on my shoulder, feeling it was doing no good at all until I gave up and turned it off and did feel a bit better.

When my brother and sister were here, they stayed at my aunt’s condo, and they brought their bed linens over before they left.  Mom (who had plenty of laundry of her own to do) was unhappy at the prospect, especially, of folding the fitted king-size sheets.  I’d told her that we could do them together, as long as I could sit down.  So yesterday afternoon I actually managed to do something useful, and the two of us folded linens together.  It’s a strange highlight for the day, but there you are.

We had rotisserie chicken for dinner last night, and I ate very well.  It’s obviously an excellent meal for me.  We fell asleep to Some Like it Hot, which is a movie I’d normally prefer to stay awake for, but I was out like a light. But then I woke up at 1:35 and had a bit of trouble soothing my shoulder enough to fall asleep again.  I did, and woke up a bit before four, and I fell asleep again and didn’t wake up until six.

I skipped the walk.  My sweetie is making breakfast now.  It’s supposed to be rainy today, but we should still be able to take our swim this morning.  It’s our last day here, alas.  Happy Thanksgiving.

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