March 6 (morning)

Let’s talk about yesterday before the infusion knocks me out to I don’t have the strength.

First, there was saying goody-bye to my parents.  That was very hard.  We left for the airport at about 10:15 with our bags and my heavy jacket in the trunk.  We got to the airport at about 11:00 and my sweetie removed our bags from the trunk while my mother and I embraced on the pavement.  (She always rides in the back with me, leaving the front to the long-legged men, so she gets out to switch places at the airport.)  We went into the airport, up to check-in, and I realize I don’t have my winter jacket.  I try calling the cell phone, but their number isn’t accepting calls.  (I figure they probably didn’t even take the phone with them.)  I leave voicemail at the house.  Meanwhile, the agent checking us in lets us know that our flight has an hour delay because of a mechanica problem.  Happy Thanksgiving notwithstanding, this is not turning out to be my favorite day.

We get a wheelchair and (with another couple, she in the chair) are rolled to the gate where we both give up the wheelchairs.  We sit.  Eventually I reach Mom, who found my message and realized my house keys are in my pocket, and how desperate am I?  (Not very; I have spares.  I need the jacket, though.)  And (as we should already have departed by this time, I report the delay.)

The plane comes in about when they say, but it turns out the particular mechanical issue involved meant replacing a part, and the first ten flights after part replacement need a mechanic to sign off on them, and it’s forty-five minutes more before we board and another longish wait (I lost track) before we’re actually in the air.  The flight itself was okay, but we don’t land until nearly five.  We are the last ones off the plane.  I’m halfway up the aisle before I realize my pocket book is still safely stowed under the seat in front of mine and I go back for it, which completely knocks me out and I’m delighted to collapse into the wheelchair.

We retrieve our bags.  The best part about the trip is that there is a line-up of cabs and no people waiting, so we’re on our way immediately, about two hours after hour scheduled landing time.  I am exhausted.  I pick up the phone to report our arrival to my parents and discover that I have no dialtone.  As I have DSL on that line, I try the computer; that– thank heavens!– works.  I get to the Verizon page and report the problem.  I should be fixed by 11pm today.  (Goody.  I asked for notification by email; I sure hope they don’t call.)

My sweetie, who had already used his cell phone to call the restaurant, was out getting the (Chinese) food for dinner.  (I just had wonton soup, but I realized I’d had very little to eat all day, which wasn’t adding anything to my strength.)

We went through the mail.  My sweetie unpacked, but, except for setting up his computer and taking a couple of things out of the carry-on bag, I didn’t have the strength, so I’ll have to do that this morning.

We go to sleep.  We wake up to 26 degrees F.  This is cruel and unusual.  Nonetheless, we are here.  We made it home.  We are together.  Happy Thanksgiving!

One thought on “March 6 (morning)

  1. dear g*d in heaven, I hope that means that you woke up to 26 degrees F *outside* (which was not my first reading). You want I should deliver a good solid kick to the backside of the wj?

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