Publish or Perish!!

Mark Sheingorn

  1. Individual Closed Horocyclic Orbits on the Modular Surface, (with Marvin Knopp),
  2. McShane's Identity, Using Elliptic Elements, (with Thomas A. Schmidt), Geometricae Dedicata, 134 (2008) 75-90.
  3. Classifying Low Height Geodesics on , (with Thomas A. Schmidt), Int'l J. of Number Theory, 3 (2007) 421-438.
  4. Low Height Geodesics on : Explicit Height Formulae, Examples and Local Isolation, (with Thomas A. Schmidt), Int'l J. of Number Theory, 3 (2007) 473-501.
  5. Parametrizing Simple Closed Geodesy on , (with Thomas A. Schmidt), Journal of the Australian Math. Soc., 74 (2003) 43-60.
  6. Geodesics on Riemann Surfaces with Ramification Points of Order Greater than Two, New York Journal of Mathematics , New York J. Math., 7 (2001), 189-199.
  7. Covering the Hecke Triangle Groups, (with Thomas A. Schmidt), Ramanujan Journal, 1 (1997), 155-163.
  8. Riemann Surfaces Have Hall Rays at Each Cusp, (with Thomas A. Schmidt), Ill. J of Math, 41 (1997), 378-397.
  9. Dirichlet Series and Hecke Triangle Groups of Infinite Volume, (with Marvin Knopp), Acta Arithmetica, LXXVI.3 (1996), 227-244.
  10. Length Spectra of Hecke Triangle Surfaces, (with Thomas A. Schmidt), Mathematische Zeit., 220 (1995), 369-397.
  11. On Infinite Volume Hecke Triangle Surfaces, (with Thomas A. Schmidt), Compositio Math., 95 (1995), 247-262.
  12. The Riemann Surface, Acta Arithmetica, 63 (1993), 255-266.
  13. Continued Fractions, Congruence Subgroups, and the Hecke Triangle Groups, in ``Number Theory with an Emphasis on the Markoff Spectrum'', A. Pollington and W. Moran, eds., Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 147 (1993), Marcel Dekker, New York. (pp. 239-254)
  14. ``A Tribute to Emil Grosswald", Marvin Knopp and Mark Sheingorn, eds., Cont. Math. 143 (1993), AMS, Providence, RI.
  15. Low Height Hecke Triangle Group Geodesics, in ``A Tribute to Emil Grosswald", Marvin Knopp and Mark Sheingorn, eds., Cont. Math. 143 (1993), AMS, Providence, RI. (pp. 545-560)
  16. In Appreciation of Emil Grosswald, (with David Bressoud and Marvin Knopp), in ``A Tribute to Emil Grosswald", Marvin Knopp and Mark Sheingorn, eds., Cont. Math. 143 (1993), AMS, Providence, RI. (pp. 1-8)
  17. Effective Lower Bounds for the Norm of the Poincaré -Operator, TAMS, 325 (1991), 453-463.
  18. Hyperbolic Reflections on Pell's Equation, J. of Number Theory, 33 (1989), 267-285.
  19. Rational Solutions of and Simple Closed Geodesics on Fricke Surfaces, in ``Holomorphic Functions and Moduli I''; D. Drasin et al, eds.; MSRI Publ. 10; Springer-Verlag, New York, 1988. (pp. 229-236)
  20. Closed Geodesics on a Riemann Surface with Application to the Markov Spectrum, TAMS 295(1986), 635-647. (with A. Beardon and J. Lehner)
  21. Characterization of Simple Closed Geodesics on Fricke Surfaces, Duke Math. J. 52 (1985), 535-545.
  22. A Symbolic Dynamics for Geodesics on Punctured Riemann surfaces, Math. Ann. 268 (1984), 425-448. (with J. Lehner)
  23. Computing Self-intersections of Closed Geodesics on Finite-sheeted Covers of the Modular Surface, Math. Comp. 44 (1985), 233-240. (with J. Lehner)
  24. Simple Closed Geodesics on Arise from the Markov Spectrum, BAMS 11 (1984), 359-362. (with J. Lehner)
  25. Exponential Sums Connected with Ramanujan's -Function, Mathematika 29 (1982), 270-277. (with L.A. Parson)
  26. Trajectories on Riemann Surfaces, in ``Explicit Solutions of Quantum and Classical Models and Parallel Arithmetical Problems''; D.V. & G.V.Chudnovsky, eds.; Marcel Dekker, New York, 1984. (pp. 379-400.)
  27. Bounding the Norm of the Poincaré -Operator, Lecture Notes in Mathematics # 899, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1981, 422-441. (with L.A. Parson)
  28. Transitivity for the Modular Group, Proc. Cambridge Phil.Soc., 88 (1980), 409-423.
  29. Boundary Behavior of Automorphic Forms and Transitivity for the Modular Group, Ill. J. of Math., 24 (1980), 440-451.
  30. Characterization of Fuchsian Groups whose Integrable Forms are Bounded, Ann. of Math., 106 (1977), 239-258. (with D. Niebur)
  31. Fields with Large Kronecker Constant, J. of Number Theory, 9 (1977), 182-186. (with T. Callahan & M.Newman)
  32. Continuous Solution of a Homogeneous Functional Equation, Æquationes Math., 13 (1975), 47-59. (with M. Newman)
  33. Variations on Continuity, Math. Magazine, 47 (1974), 41-43. (with R. Bumcrot)
  34. Polynomial Approximation in the Bers spaces, Princeton Annals Surv. 2, 79 (1974), 58-67. (with T. Metzger)
  35. Poincare Series Bounded away from Zero in a Fundamental Region, Am. J. of Math., 95 (1973), 729-749.
  36. Characterizations of , NBS J. of Res., 77B (1973), 85-92.