35 W. 14th St., 3rd floor (between 5th & 6th Aves. in Manhattan)
212-604-9658 (may be busy if logged in) 212-604-9486 (more likely to get the answering machine: start talking!!)
If you're arriving at a station in the city, there will be a taxi stand. Wait in line for the next cab. To hail a cab on the street, look for a taxi (yellow) with its number (on the roof) lit. If the light is off, they already have a fare. Stick your arm straight up & out (about a 45 degree angle) & hold your hand in the air: the drivers are watching for your signal and will pull over as close as they can get to you.
After you get in and tell the driver where you're going, he will click on the fare counter, on the dashboard to his right. The meter will click about once every 4 short blocks, or once every long block. Pay the fare shown plus about 10% tip when you arrive. The driver will tell you if there are also any tolls, or might ask for the toll as you pass through the tunnel or cross the bridge.
Tell the driver "14th St. between 5th & 6th Avenues in Manhattan, please".
The subway costs $1.50. You can buy a token from the agent in the booth, or pick up a Metrocard from the agent or from one of the machines. The machines take cash or credit cards. You can buy a single-use ticket or multiple rides on a more permanent card. We will probably take the subway at least twice during the weekend, so go ahead and get 3-4 rides if you feel like it.
Lines that stop on or near 14th St. include the 1/9, 2/3, A/C/E, F, N/R, 4/5/6, L, and B/D/G (get out at W. 4th, walk up 6th Ave.) Your choices will be "uptown" or "downtown". Check the map if you're not sure which direction you want; within the city north of 14th St. and the outerboroughs (Bronx, Queens) you want to head downtown; within the city south of 14th St. and the outerboroughs (Brooklyn, JFK) you want to go uptown.
Take the 1/9 downtown to 14th St., walk east.
Directions here are given from the main concourse (where the Amtrak and NJTransit ticket windows are). If you arrive via bus outside the station, follow the signs for Amtrak / NJ Transit to get to the main concourse. If you arrive by train, follow the other passengers up one level into the main concourse.
From the main concourse (where the Amtrak & NJTransit ticket windows are), proceed up the large escalator behind the waiting area to the taxi stand. Fare should run approx. $6.
You can also try hailing a cab on 8th Ave. or 7th Ave., outside the station. Recommended for urbanites only.
From the main concourse, proceed behind the large escalator through the hallway; turn left and escalate down one level into the LIRR concourse area. Follow the signs for the 1/9 subway (a red circle with a white 1 and another one with a white 9 on it).
Take the 1/9 downtown to 14th St. Walk east.
The taxi stand is on the east (8th Ave.) side of the north building, which is probably the one you'll come out in from the airport bus. From Greyhound, you might come out in the south building. Regardless, follow signs for the taxi stand. Fare should run approx. $7.
Descend to the subway level of the north building (again, follow the signs---blue circle with an A or C or E in it).
Take the A, C or E train downtown to 14th St. Walk east.
Follow signs to the taxi stand, which I believe is on 42nd St., on the south side of the station. Fare should be approx. $8.
Follow signs to the 4, 5 or 6 subway (a green circle with a black 4 or 5 or 6 on it). Take the 4/5/6 downtown to 14th St./Union Square. Walk west.
Suitable airports include (EWR) Newark, NJ; (LGA) LaGuardia, NY; (JFK) John F Kennedy, NY. International travel will most likely be through JFK or EWR.
Arriving at LGA, find the taxi stand. Take a cab to your destination (approx. $25-30, including bridge toll and tip).
Alternately, go to ground tranportation and take the New York Airport Service Express bus ($10) to Penn Station. The bus runs every twenty to thirty minutes between 6:45am and midnight and takes approx. 40 min.
I do NOT recommend attempting the MTA bus / subway route, but if you're feeling really poor, you can catch the M60 bus ($1.50) to the front gates of Columbia University, then proceed downtown from there (transfer to bus or subway to continue to your destination).
Arriving at JFK, either take a cab from the taxi stand ($30 to Manhattan
NOT including $4
bridge toll and ~$4 tip) or catch the A train
($1.50) from the subway shuttle bus into the city.
Arriving in Newark, take the Olympia airport bus ($11) from ground transportation to Penn Station. The bus runs every 20 minutes from 6am to midnight, and takes approx. 45 min.
From pretty much anywhere in the US. Connections to Montreal and Vancouver. Some routes are more straightforward than others. Your destination is Penn Station, New York. (Do not get off in Penn Station, Newark!) http://www.amtrak.com/
Through Toronto. Your destination is Penn Station, New York. http://www.viarail.ca/
From Long Island. Your destination is Penn Station, New York. http://www.mta.nyc.ny.us/lirr/
From Westchester & 6 other New York counties, plus Connecticut. Your destination is Grand Central Station, New York. (One branch connects through NJ Transit and terminates in Penn Station.) http://www.mta.nyc.ny.us/mnr/
From anywhere in New Jersey, connections through SEPTA to Philadelphia. Your destination could be any of Penn Station Newark, Hoboken, or Penn Station New York. For terminations in Hoboken or Penn Station Newark, take the PATH as below to continue into Manhattan. http://www.njtransit.com/
From Hoboken or Newark, take the 33rd St. train to 14th St.
The fare is $1.50. Trains run frequently. http://www.panynj.gov/path/
Multiple bus lines operate through the Port Authority Bus Terminal, including Grayline, Greyhound, Olympia Trails, Peter Pan, ShortLine, etc.
See http://www.ny.com/transportation/port_authority.html for bus line phone numbers and URLs.
Pack in my loft like sardines. Plenty of floor space. Not padded. No significant plumbing (sink and toilet only, no shower or tub). No privacy. Pets (2 dogs, 3 cats). Bring sleeping bag & blow-up mattress or other padding. (Or suffer.)
Anyone who would like more comfortable surroundings to which to retreat in the evening might want to consider a hotel room, as well. Two good choices are the Chelsea Inn (www.chelseainn.com) and the Washington Sq. Hotel (www.wshotel.com).
Approximate times and proposed activities are listed below. For the benefit of those who wish to phone in their party appearances, we will be updating the schedule as we start different activities.
Tea, scones & sandwiches to celebrate my sister's 30th birthday.
Catalog perusal of silly food preservation fu.
Pasta? At home.
Featuring Christopher St., shopping.
Biscuits, eggs, mustard sauce. O.J. Coffee & tea. At home.
Frozen hot chocolate, comfort food fu; stopping at the newest Upper East side extravaganza.
At home. Excursions for bar-hopping as desired.
The activities proposed are for good weather; for truly wretched weather, we might indulge in cross-cultural analysis (board games & movies).
Bagels, cream cheese. O.J. Coffee & tea. At home.
Union Sq. park to Washington Sq. park, stopping at the Strand (used books), Forbidden Planet (comix) and Partners and Crime (mystery bookstore). $.50 hot dogs at Gray's Papaya.
Round trip, free ferry from the tip of Manhattan. Great views of the Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island (currently closed due to the recent unpleasantness).