April 22, 1999

Mitchell Banks called today for the first time in more than three months, saying that a Spanish buyer is interested in HONEYMOON, and that he needs M&E tracks in one week! He had always told me that I'd have a month to do the M&E tracks--I think he just likes to throw me into a panic. I called Paul Geluso, but we couldn't set up a time for me to get into the Harvestworks studio until May 13. Paul thinks it might be possible to finish off the work in a long day, if we're not too perfectionist; and I'm certainly not in the mood to be a perfectionist when some TV station is going to slap badly dubbed dialogue over the tracks anyway. Anyway, Mitchell accepted the delay without a fight. The sale isn't for much money, and most of my profit will be eaten up by the costs of the sound work; but that's a one-time expense. I'm glad to find out that there's some market for the film, however modest.

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