A Truly Cheesy-Assed SCA Heraldry Page

Tim McDaniel, in the SCA Daniel de Lincolia, tmcd@panix.com

The URL for this page is http://www.panix.com/~tmcd/heraldry/

genord.pl is a Perl program to take an SCA Armorial file (oanda) and category file (my.cat) and generate a set of files to be a static SCA Ordinary on your own computer, without having to access http://heraldry.sca.org/, the Ordinary mirror sites it points to, or any other Internet site. It generates easy-to-scan output for easier conflict checking. It is a reimplementation inspired by ordgen.

ordinary/index.htm - Output of genord.pl, as of the Armorial database thru the March 2011 LoARs.

ordinary.zip - 5.9 MB. A ZIP file of the genord ordinary (the output of genord.pl) for convenient download.