arthropod, bee:4

Argent, on a saltire vert a beehive between four bees palewise Or. Sciath ingen Chaennaig (3/2008 East)

Azure, a beehive between four bees in cross argent. Barbara MacAuley (8/2002 Atla)

Azure, four bees two and two proper, on a point pointed argent a brown mouse couchant proper. Julian ferch Luned (7/2004 Drac)

Azure, in cross a rose argent, barbed and seeded, between four bees Or. Eanor of Amberhall (5/1982 Midd)

Per bend argent and azure, two honeybees azure and two honeybees Or. Rhonda the Bee-Taymer (9/1992 AnTi)

Per pale wavy sable and vert, four bees two and two Or. Katherine Tracy (3/2007 Meri)

Per saltire azure and vert, on a saltire Or between four bees, tails outwards, Or, marked sable, five fleurs-de-lys azure. Gwen of Swansea (2/1990 Trim)

Per saltire purpure and Or, four bees counterchanged. Maud Alysoun de Faraby (9/1994 Anst)

Per saltire sable and gules, a fret argent between four bees, two and two, Or. Hedwig von Luneborg (9/2006 Anst)

Quarterly azure and vert, a rose slipped and leaved between four bees volant en arriere Or. Penelope of Helena (6/1998 AEth)

Sable, in saltire a Bourchier knot between four bees Or. Galen of Wiltshire (11/1998 Outl)