
Argent, a pale between two caravels and on a chief azure three bread loaves Or. Anne Bakere (12/2008 Midd)

Argent, a smith's tongs sable, on a chief embattled azure three loaves of bread Or. Fergus Gove (7/2006 East)

Argent, three eggs gules each charged with a Latin cross bottony argent, on a chief gules a cat couchant argent. Annya Sergeeva (11/2008 Aten)

Azure, a lymphad and on a chief argent three loaves of brown bread proper. Gwenhwyvar Ywein (7/1997 Atla)

Azure, three natural dolphins naiant argent, each maintaining in its mouth a sprig of thyme vert, on a chief argent three loaves of brown bread proper. Catherine Cameron (9/1999 Outl)

Or, a scorpion gules and on a chief sable three eggs Or. Auriana filia Germani (3/2008 East)

Or, three pretzels proper and a bordure wavy vert. Callistus Gill (2/2003 Atla)