Flips mood  Affective  Perfectnst FearSuccss Affectiv Indiffrt Suprstitn Suspcius "MyRights Reckless  Dscipln  Entitled
Sk Reassur  Sk Company Inflexible Seek pain  Anger    Unemotnl Illusions Sneaky   "I'm O K  NoRemorse Gutsy    ExpctSucc
ImmedSatisf Fear alone ControlAll Altruist   Boredom  Aloof    Own Thing Infriort Critical  Vandal    Expdient Exploit
Seductive   Unintimate Indecisive Artless    FlipMood No frnds Visonary  Perceptv Resist    Cruel     Cruel    Envious
Exaggerated Deferring  Hoarding   Nonjudgmtl Unstable          Eccentric Fidelity Min Work  Impulsive Intmdtg  Intoler
Shallow     Considerat Undemonstr Endurant   Suicidal          Odd       Vengeful           Dishonest
--CURE----- --CURE---- --CURE---- --CURE---- ---CURE-- --CURE-- --CURE--- --CURE-- --CURE--- --CURE--- --CURE-- --CURE--
ReassurSlf  Opine!     So What?   Ask!       Study    Obs Emot Compromis Relax    MkWk=Fun! Worry!    Don't    Mirror=
Plan        Anger!     Enjoy!     I want!      Them   (Self&Oth Do4Oth's Tolerate DoNowSo   Consider!  Boss     faults!
Restrain    Decide!    Tolerate!  Protest!   DeIntens Endure   Study your Sk Crit  EnjyLtr  Protect!  Comproms Seek Crit
StudyProbs  Self       Prioritise NoGuilt    UndIndulg Express  diff's   SeeUnUltr PlsSlfBy Futurise! Tolerate AskOthAb
 & Details   sufficncy ShareFlgs  Relax      DisownFlgs Negot't (compare) Mistakes  Pls Oth Control!  CutAnger  Selvs&Oth
--USE-----  --USE----- --USE----- --USE----- ---USE---- --USE--- --USE---- --USE--- --USE--- --USE---- --USE--- --USE-----
Gifts       Accompany  Set Goals  Frighten   Calm               Magic     Conspire ExaggRwd                    Lemming
Tolerate               Leav Alone            Order
--WRITE--- --WRITE---- --WRITE--- --WRITE--- ---WRITE-- --WRITE- --WRITE-- --WRITE- --WRITE- --WRITE-- --WRITE- --WRITE---
var slant  hi endstrok open aogq  Large      round m,n lf slant tangled   sml&nrow unev spc lft op&hk hv dn t- wd loops
var typ    u like t -  rd dots    Round                0endstrk 0 dots    oa knots unev prs       blotchy      uphill
var siz    rounded     no slant   Spacey               small    freq brks taperend unev slt t - right lf slnt  arcade
lg lo lps              angular    t hi -               lt -.    upendstrk rt slant          0ini strok

Curiosities and Questions

	The above are presented as a business tool, not as medical
diagnosis or therapy. Each of these categories may be mildly
attributed to a personality type or severly attributed to a
disorder. There's a rather pernicious trend to ascribe all
psychological attributes to a serotonin-dopamine (even
carbohydrate-protein nutrition, hence farmer-hunter ancestry)
continuum. Not only are depression and obsession treated for
serotonin, but so are histrionicity and other behaviors. Some try to
link lithium response to dopamine, and treat bipolar, sociopaths and
even schizoparanoids with lithium and/or clozapene. While I feel such
a scale might be a useful heuristic, I worry it has gone too far,
simply because imaging and biochemical tools are more advanced than,
say behavioral, cognitive use of artificial intelligence to treat
disorders behaviorally.  I'm curious of the eventuality that a
computer tool (however that might deal with the FDAs current, and
hopefully temporary, aversion to software substituting for the
physician) might offer. A few years, someone in the southwest had
actually written a software program to treat depression. I'm curious
about similar developments.

Not Totally Serious Rules of Thumb

{vjp2's Psy Rules of Thumb: Observations, Heuristics& Wilder Generalisations}
	Actors     (&  schoolteachers?)    are  typically   schizo-histrionic
(Henry&Sims, 1970) Securities   traders aren't just naturally   narcissistic,
they are trained  to be. (pp 167-179 Douglas, Disciplined Trader, NYIF  1990)
Politicians & academics are typically   schizo-paranoid.  When a Greek  kills
someone,      it's like  he's   defecating;   German,   copulating; Japanese,
masturbating;   Brit,  showering; Russian,    regurgitating;  Hindi,  toenail
	"Attila the Nun"  masochistically brutalised her students because she
felt  they didn't  appreciate her sacrifices.    Masochism is  the  result if
monasticism is  carcinoidically grown too  quickly for political motivations.
(Daniel Rancour-Lafernime claims Russian  national character is  masochistic,
NYU  1995 ISBN  0-8147-7458-x; Anita  Phillips,A Defence  Of Masochism,  1998
Faber&Faber   ISBN  0-571-19042-1   p144,   sees    papal   decoriousness  as
counteracting    "cankerous   resentment,   the   martyr  complex") Christian
psychology    involves  smothering,   surrender,  forebearance, renunciation;
obedience  -> humility ->  dispassion (praotis)  ; food  and  sleep (and even
breathing) should  be limited.   (Metr Ieroth  Vlahos  of Navpaktos, Orthodox
Psychotherapy, 1994).   Papal  monasticism (eg, Gregorian  Chant)  emphasises
enmity  towards  "self-esteem" which  is a term  wrongly  borrowed  by Ware &
Williams  for the   Greek  "kenodoxia".  Schismatic  excesses  (old-calendar,
Amish, Hassidic) have their bases in neuroses.
	It might be possible to reduce all personality disorders to these two
eignevector principal  components: Serotonin (hi-carb?  fish? nitrous oxide?)
dimension  is ordered:   Narcissist > Histrionic   > Obsessive  >  Paranoid >
Masochist > Sociopath > Sadist > Passive-Agressive > Schizotypal > Schizoid >
Avoidant  > Dependant. Dopamine (hi-protein?  red meat? adrenalin?) dimension
is ordered: Sociopath > Sadist > Paranoid  > Passive-Agressive > Borderline >
Avoidant > Schizoid >  Schizotypal > Dependant  >  Narcissist > Histrionic  >
Obsessive > Masochist
	The  direction of causality    is indeterminate as  to   if serotonin
imbalance causes the  skin irritation that makes obsessives  want  to wash or
vice versa.  (James Claiborne) Obsessiveness is more  generally dealt with by
asking "so  what?", by response prevention and  self-exposure, and by burning
up built-up serotonin by alternate  "fight or flight" activities.  Burnout is
a Maslovian  process: if you fear hunger  or invasion, you don't  get burnout
(or depression?). (ad passitum, cf Pines&Aronson FP 1988 ISBN 0-02-925351-9)
	Paranoia    in  the elderly    should  be  dealt   with by  tactfully
disagreeing, changing the subject, and  acknowledging the underlying feelings
while ignoring the subject through which they  are manifest. (Holden & Woods,
1988).  "Family Therapy with  the Elderly" (Niedhart  & Allen, 1992) involves
(indirectly)   circular questions,   positive  conditioning and    reframing,
paradoxical messages,   ritual  assignment, restorying,  restraining  change,
split messaging and (directly) providing information and advice, life review,
coaching   alternate    behaviors  and rehearsing    communications  changes.
Genocidal  racism (as contrasted  with merely vocal racism)  is the result of
oppressive/coercive extended families.
	Most folks are "ordinary savants": they  learn certain rules of thumb
and then only use their  minds an hour a  week.  Earnest Karhu says genius is
perpetucognitive antisupersavantoid  (Karhu this from  "Surely You Are Joking
Mr Feynman" but  assignes  the term to  vjp2-1989).  Stanford's Chris Argyris
tells managers to intentionally schedule thinking time.
	Freud   postulated oral/anal/phalic &  tranferance. Rogers postulated
actualisation & congruence. Learning involves conditioning, reinforcement and
desensitisation.   Cognitive theory   deals with  the    unrealistic and  the
maladaptive. Goals should be understood and changed, gaining necessary skills
and changing anticipations and expectations.