OLOGOS ANCIENT EPITOME OF THE SACRED CANONS OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH ED FR GEORGE MASTRANTONIS (no date, but probably 1950s), Apostles pp20-24: #10 "If any one shall pray, even in a private house, with an excommunicated person, let him also be excommunicated" #11 "If any clergyman shall join in prayer with a deposed clergyman, as if he were a clergyman, let him also be deposed." #64 "If any clergyman or layman shall enter into a synagogue of Jews or heretics to pray, let the former be deposed and the latter be excommunicated." T Ware, Orth_Ch Penguin (UK/US,1963/64) from Khomyakov, Church_Is_One, section two "Inasmuch as the earthly and visible Church is not the fullness and completeness of the whole Church which the Lord has appointed to appear at the final judgement of all creation, she acts and knows only within her own limits; and.. does not judge the rest of mankind, and only looks uopn those as excluded, that is to say, not belonging to her, who exclude themselves. The rest of mankind, whether alien from the Church, or united to her by ties which GOD has not willed to reveal to her, she leaves to the judgement of the great day." SCOBA GUIDELINES FOR ORTH CHR IN ECUM RELNS RBT G STEPHANOPOULOS PHD GEN SCY (no date but probably 1970s) pp12-15 "encouraged to join local clergy or ministerial groups, if meaningful Orthodox participation is possible.. discuss common concerns.. [RE:OPEN HOUSE] host community receives guests.. members of the congregation explain the doctrine, polity, and practices of their faith. No denominational service is conducted.. [RE:PRAYER].. non-liturgical prayer may be understood as that private prayer of divided Christians from diverse communions who come together, not as the Church, but as separated brethren seeking Christian unity. It is to be prudently used within.. pluralistic setting of our society.. In the interests of sharing our spiritual heritage, non-Orthodox may be invited to attend Orthodox liturgical.. clear, however, that no communicato_in_sacris is intended or implied. The same is true for those Orthodox who for the reasons of family unity, courtesy, the demands of public life.. attend a non-Orthodox.. care should be taken not to offend.. Clergy of other communions attending Orthodox services may be welcome as guests of honor, and given some special place within the _solea_.. interreligious.. national feasts, public calamity.. form of dress.. (cassock).. together with pectoral cross.. No part of liturgical vestments.. [ecum svc inside Orth Ch] avoid misunderstanding, however, the services should be publicly acknowledged and identified as 'ecumenical' in character, emphasizing the firm Ortmodox positions that these are prayers for unity, and _not_ services of the one Church" EXCERPTS FROM SOURCES CITED IN Blane=ed/GVFlorovsky/SVS93/ISBN 0-88141-137-X WAYS Schmemann "Roll of Honour" St Vlad Q'ly Fl'53 p6-7 [RE Florovsky vs Bulgakov] cit p63 Blane <> p85 Blane citing G H Williams Gr Orth Theol Rvu XI #1 Smr'65 p30 [RE:WCC] <<"separated 'confessions' do not have the right to call themselves 'Churches'.">> [Florovsky's panOrthodox vision implied] "that the Greek branch of Orthodoxy would assume pre-emminence in America" Williams p10 "Biblical prophecy finds precisely in Christian Hellenism its true realization" G V Florovsky "Les voies de la theologie russe" Dieu Vivant #13 Paris 1949 p51 NESTOR [endemic Latin tendency to Nestorianise] "Modern man is tempered by the Nestorian extreme.. revival of monophysite tendencies.. man is reduced to complete passivity and is allowed only to listen and hope" G V Florovsky "As Truth is in Jesus, Ephesians 4:21" Christian Century LXVII 1951 p1458 ROMAN [knowledge defined as ascetic achievement] p 30 "Metafizicheskie predposylki utopizma" PUT IV 1926. [p44 of same complains that forced unification of mankind is a form of Roman imperial pagan cosmotheism readapted by vatican and soviets alike] Exetastes Column from GOANSA Orthodox Observer (compiled as a 1976 book) "Trempelas concludes: '...it appears more glorious and divine-like and more in harmony with the regular method of God, which we daily see expressed in nature, to have created the various forms by evolutionary methods, Himself remaining the first and supreme creative cause of secondary and immediate causes to which are owed the development of the variety of species' .. 8August1973.. When a parish council member undertakes his duties, he takes an oath of office before the priest and the people. In part, he says 'I will uphold the dogma, teaching, traditions, holy canons, worship and moral principles of the Greek Orthodox Church...'.. 1November1972.. Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece, following the advice of a pan-orthodox conference held in June, 1930, on Mount Athos, also condemned Masonry.. Church accepts that there are some broad and general truths of ethics and religion to be found in all Faiths and in all places, it cannot accept such a teaching as the final word.. knows of some Greek Orthodox Christians who have become members of Masonry, and who have taken from it many things which have strengthened their faith.. also knows many Greek Orthodox men who have become so identified with the life, the ritual, the social connections and teachings of Masonry that it serves as a real substitute in their lives for Christ and the Orthodox church.. That the danger is there cannot be denied. That identification with un-Orthodox Christian ritual has drawn many of the faithful away from the life of the church, cannot be denied. That it does not also have to be this way, also, cannot be denied.. Whetre do your [NB!] loyalties rest?.. 14June1972.. sexual relations outside of marriage are sinful and the use of contraceptives merely compounds.. expression of their cintinuing love for each other, and for the deepening of their personal and marital unity, the Orthodoxy of contraception is affirmed. 8 January 1975.. embeded in Orthodox Christian teaching th conviction that abortion is an act, regardless of the means employed, of the unjust killing of a human being, that is of murder. For the Orthodoc Christian Church, it is incomprehensible how a well-ordered state can permit, tolerate or encourage any form of murder.. 17May1972.. one of the major causes of divorce is the widespread cult of self which is so dominant in our country.. 28 October 1975.. important thing is that we participate in the political enterprise as Christian, as members of the church.. should not become involved for self-serving purposes, but in order to serve justice, to enhance citizenship, to do good works before all people. If, as some say, 'politics is a dirty business,' then Christians will seek to clean it up.. 1December1971.. Christian point of view that the State has the right to employ capital punishment as a deterrnt..ought to be consistently enforced. It is clear that in America we are not willing to do that.. requires that persons who are dangerous.. either be fully reformed or permanenty imprisoned.. Archdioces was correct in joining with other Christians to urge the abolishment of capital punishment.. 23 February 1972.. no doubt that we Greek Orthodox Christians contnuously violate the principles of our faith with racist attitudes.. Ecemenical Patriarchate in the relatively recent past condemned this view as the sin of 'phyletism'.. 4October1972.. Christianity made it possible to exploit nature in a mood of indifference to the feelings of natural objects.. taught that man was master over his enviroment.. misuse of power and responsibility does not mean that authority and responsibility should not exist.. Orthodox Church saw nature within the framework of spiritual illumination and a 'symbolic system, through which God speaks to men'..17May1972" Autocephaly of Metropolia in America P N Trempelas Tr Bebis Stephanopoulos Vaporis HCTSP 1973 p27: "The principle of historical precedence is innovative and without foundation.." [54: letter in Episkepsis, 8Jun70 pp11-12 and Ekklisia 1/15Aug71 pp45-51] p55: The provision for dealing with God's churches in barbarian lands.. 28th canon of the Fourth Ecumenical Council and in combination with the third canon of the Second.. p56: "Moscow Patriarchate took over Alaska canonically, as long as this was part of the Russian State. But it is not permissible in the Patriarchate of Moscow to jurisdictionally invade the United States.. Holy Canons have clearly decreed that, 'the Churches of God in the barbaric nations are governed according to the tradition of the Fathers'" [132: Episkepsis 8Jun70 p13; Ekklisia 1/15Aug71 p452] p58: "there cannot be any doubt that an Ecumenical Council extends it competence upon matters of autocephaly" [137: Istina 16 (1971); SVTQ, 15, No 1/2 (1971),p75] [ad passitum: arguments that Autocephaly of OCA arranged while MP dying or dead; and arguments about how Moscow was originally in rebellion with its autocephaly until a Tetrarchic synod (one of the Pentarchs was dead) approved]