In our culture, […] strength is not enough. One must be born without blemish, and be strong and brilliant on top of that. [Wesley] Yang is critical of Aaron[ Swartz]’s inability to endure pointless things thrust on him by corrupt power structures. I share this quality with Aaron, so I am left asking myself, why am I alive? I believe it is for two reasons: I was born a woman, and I was born poor. To be either in America teaches you something quickly that Aaron never learned. It teaches you that you are prey. I have the instincts of a prey animal: avoid detection, flee from violent people, hide, wait, use all available resources for my advantage. Aaron and I were both fragile, but he believed that we still lived in a society that valued something other than might and force. I have no such illusions.

Quinn Norton, “Why I Disagree with Wesley Yang’s Conclusion”