[T]he only relevant way in which psychology or sociology can be used to criticize prescriptions concerning changes in cognitive equilibrium of interest here is by showing that men or institutions are incapable of moving toward equilibrium or making changes in commitments by some path or ever. It is not enough to show that men often fail to conform to the dictates of such norms. And since the norms do not prescribe the details of the social or psychological paths to be followed in changing commitments, they cannot be rejected on the grounds that they cannot be implemented in a certain fixed period of time. Psychology, the social sciences, and various technologies (such as computer technologies) are of relevance to the topics of interest here insofar as they can contribute to our ability to live up to our commitments by improving our computational facility, memory, and emotional or social health. When they focus instead on the extent of our incapacities and disabilities without seeking remedies, they are not doing the job that is needed.

Isaac Levi, The Enterprise of Knowledge: An Essay on Knowledge, Credal Probability, and Chance