Clay's Kitchen : Drink Recipes (With Alcohol)

Drink Recipes (With Alcohol)

© Copyright 1995-2023, Clay Irving <>, Manhattan Beach, CA USA

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In the Pink Sangria

Recipe from: REC(ession)IPES
Servings: About 24

We made this pink sangria for our friend Blondie's Birthday Potluck in Prospect Park. We drink a lot of sangria around here and find that for outdoor picnics, a pretty diluted sangira is preferable and more refreshing on a hot day out in the sun. That's why this recipe calls for 2 liters of seltzer. If you're serving this at night at a party, drop the seltzer down to just one liter or less (you know, depending on what kind of party you're having, nudge, nudge.) The raspberries and pineapple with the rosé wine give this one a nice bright, fruity taste and the bright pink color, punctuated with the yellow pineapple, just screams "Birthday Party!" And, of course, blondes and pink always have gone together splendidly!

1½ liter bottle Rosé wine
2 shots Crème de Cassis
2 pints strawberries
½ pint raspberries
1 pineapple
2 liters seltzer

Pour wine and cassis into a large pitcher. Wash strawberries, remove leaves, quarter vertically and toss into pitcher. Wash raspberries and add to raspberries. Chop pineapple into approximately half inch chunks and add to wine/fruit mixture. Put into refrigerator and allow to chill for 3 to 6 hours. Immediately before serving, add seltzer. (Either pour into pitcher if yours is large enough, or top off individual glasses with the seltzer.) Be sure to scoop lots of fruit into each glass, digging down for the non-floating raspberries: picking out the boozy fruity flotsam is half the fun!

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