Clay's Kitchen : Tam Ra Ahan Thai (Thai Recipes) ตำราอาหารไทย

Tam Ra Ahan Thai (Thai Recipes) ตำราอาหารไทย

© Copyright 1995-2023, Clay Irving <>, Manhattan Beach, CA USA

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Phak Bung Fai Daeng ผักบุ้งไฟแดง (Stir-Fried Morning Glory)

Recipe from: Lak_hilltribe

Click on picture to enlarge (© Photograph by Clay Irving)

morning glory, cut by your fingers tips to be about 1 inch long
garlic, chopped
oyster sauce, about one tablespoon
optional, put chile in, crunch it with knife
cooking oil

Prepare all and put them in one plate, morning glory, garlic, oyster sauce and chile. Heat wok to medium till very high heat, put cooking oil in. Put all ingrediants into wok, and stir-fry in very few times.

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