At Your Service

The Man Who Viewed Too Much is still a pretty low-traffic site, compared to something like Harry Knowles' Ain't-It-Cool News (no link provided because I already feel partially responsible for having unleashed this behemoth upon an unsuspecting world), but it nonetheless generates a lot of reader e-mail, all of which (even the occasional derogatory remark) I appreciate immensely. It's nice to be reminded on a regular basis that all of the work that I expend on the site isn't disappearing into a pathetic cybervoid, and so allow me to take this opportunity to collectively thank all of the many people who've sent me their thoughts over the last couple of years, particularly those to whom I never got around to replying. (It's not that I don't love you, honest; I'm just (a) busy and (b) lazy.)

Most people just want to comment on a specific review, or about the site in general, which is great. At least once or twice a week, however, someone asks me a specific question, or a series of questions. I answer as many of these as I can find time to tackle, but it occurred to me recently that, ham that I am, I'd be more likely to respond quickly and coherently if I expanded the audience. Thus, this new addition to the site, in which I pledge to answer any and all questions submitted, provided that they have at least some tangential relation to film, this site, or an aspect of my personal life that I'm willing to discuss with several hundred strangers. (I know y'all too well not to add that last caveat.)

Here's how this works: Send your question(s) to me, with the words "foreign correspondent" (or just "fc," if you like) either in the subject line or featured prominently in the body of your message. At the bottom, include your name or preferred pseudonym, and a general location -- city and state if you're in the U.S., city and/or country if not. Of course, by sending your question to fc, you expressly give me permission to reproduce your blah blah jargon blah blah legal blah. If you don't include the "fc" designation, I'll assume you prefer a personal reply (though I may ask you for permission to include the question here; you can always decline, naturally).

A couple of quick disclaimers. I'm not the "Movie Answer Man," and I generally won't feel inclined to do extensive research, so while I promise to faithfully answer every eligible question submitted, sometimes the answer may be "I have no idea, and don't care enough to find out." Also, while I'll be happy to offer brief opinions of older movies (a common question), I don't write reviews to order -- that's Erik Gregersen you're thinking of.

Happy, uh, asking.

[Pretend I have a snazzy graphic of my signature here, won't you?]