

a desirable object for containers is a ``bookmark-like'' object for the list to act as a place-holder. For those who've seen pointers, we refer here to an abstraction of pointer behaviour. C++ has such place holders. The place holders are referred to as iterators.

Iterators offer two key advantages over indices:

Basic Properties And Operations

There are four basic properties of iterators we need to understand before we can use them:


Iterators are defined in the same namespace as the container that uses them. For example:

// constant iterator over a vector of double
std::vector<double>::const_iterator it1; 
// constant iterator over a vector of double
std::list<int>::iterator it2; 

Locating the beginning and end of a container

The method begin() returns an iterator that references the first element on the list. The method end() returns an iterator one past the end of the list (so that we can use myIterator != container.end() as a check in loops.) We'll see an example of this shortly.

Retrieving Elements

One can retrieve the element of the container referenced by an iterator by applying the * operator. For example:

#include <vector>
int main()
    std::vector<int> v;
    std::vector<int>::iterator it1 = v.begin();
    int a = *it1;	// a is the first element of v
    *it1 = ++a;	// OK since *it is non-const hence an lvalue
    std::vector<int>::const_iterator it2 = v.begin();
    a = *it2;	// *it2 is an rvalue only, since it is const
    return 0;


To advance to the next position in the list, we apply the increment operator ++ to an iterator. To go backwards, we apply the decrement operator. For example,

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using std::vector;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

int main()
    vector<double> v;

    vector<double>::iterator it;

    it = v.begin();            // it refers to the first element of v
    cout << *it << endl;     // 3
    *it = 2.4;                // OK since *it is non-const, hence an l-value
    cout << *it << endl;    // 2.4
    cout << *it << endl;    // 2.3
    return 0;

There are several things one can do with iterators: