The Red Guide to Temp Agencies: Response to Heather Traber

Unfortunately, some people submit inappropriate ad hominem comments to the Red Guide. They don't understand the difference between criticizing an agency's practices and criticizing their employees' hairstyles. I try to edit these comments out, but sometimes I miss one. If someone complains, I usually try to remove it quickly.

A few days ago, I got this email. I was initially sympathetic: imagine if your friends went looking for your race scores and saw someone calling you "fake, competitive and hyper"? But I was put off by the threatening language, especially where she and her friend "plan to report this entire incident to [my] web provider." I had a lot of other things to do, so I decided to put this on the back burner for a day or so.

The next day I got another email from Ms. Traber, plus an email from another web provider (not the one that hosts the Red Guide) notifying me of a complaint. Yesterday I got two more emails from Ms. Traber, one saying that she had tried to have the entry removed from the Google cache and threatening to sue me.

All this has done nothing but convince me that Heather Traber is indeed competitive and hyper. (I can't attest to the fakeness, because she has been quite openly and genuinely nasty to me.) I am also convinced that this is relevant to other temps, because I would not trust someone who instantly goes on the attack like this to have the presence of mind to broker a job for me. I know that I will avoid any dealings with her new agency, Traber Fitzpatrick. So I have no plans to remove this information from the Taylor Hodson entry.

Since Mary Stahler has done nothing but sign her name to Ms. Traber's emails, I've removed the ad hominem comments about her and just kept the allegation of unprofessional behavior.

I've also added a new section detailing the Red Guide's policy on ad hominems. This is time I could have been updating the entries. Sigh.

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