Jonathan's Little Corner : Fanac

Fanac [S-Fannish Activities]

We've participated in APA-NYU, the APA (Amateur Press Association) of NYUSFS- the New York Unaffiliated Science Fiction Society, in which we've pubbed a personalzine on and off. 

I particularly like filking, the folk music of science fiction fandom.  Since I don't compose my own material, I often sing the works of the late Mike Rubin, our neighbor in Park Slope, Brooklyn.  I've been known to break into filk at the shabbat table, particularly if company is around.

Science fiction fandom is a lot bigger and older than you might think, even organized fandom.

Many years ago, we were involved in the Society for Creative Anachronism, which has an annual giant two-week camping event called the Pennsic War. Being new to SCA camping at the time, we read all we could on the Internet newsgroup, but much of the information was disorganized. I've always liked categorizing and collecting information, so I put together the Pennsic Advice Compilation, containing many things that both newbies and old-timers might find interesting.

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