Tirry said "I want a baby! A real one!" The Children of Earth were not permitted to raise their offspring. Even a recently assembled neuromat like Ayten new that. But he was forced to comply.

The manipulation was simple, and the embryo was implanted. It was removed when Tirry got tired of morning sickness, and reimplanted just before birth. Tirry insisted on natural childbirth, but screamed for a nullifier when the labor started.

Little Tabitha was adorable, and Ayten was surprised to see Tirry's interest in the baby last well into the third year. She seemed dissapointed when Ayten told her that Tabitha couldn't learn to talk...She'd never age past 11 months.

So the laws were skirted for the moment. Of course, the Arbiter Agents came and deactivated Ayten. They found Tabitha, clinging to Tirry's aging, barren breasts.

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© J. Glenn Peterson.  Do not distribute.
Comments? jpeterso@panix.com

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