She was mad, yes, but I loved her.

"Astral Projection is just the first step. Once you know how to step out of your body, anything is possible. Phant showed me how."

I nodded condescendingly.  Lord Phant was her imaginary friend.

"You ever met anyone who knew every intimate detail of your life by heart?   Phant's like that. It wasn't until later that I found out he was from my future.   He asked about my daughter."

"But I thought you said you couldn't have kids."

"Exactly. Now."  She smiled.  "Once you can travel to other planets, then time is no obstacle.  Just another variable to deal with."

"So you can see the future?"

"If I wanted to. Mucking 'round other planets is so much more fun."

I wanted to add, "And unverifyable", but I held my tongue.  "But aren't you the least bit curious?"

She closed her eyes, and I thought she was about to have one of her seizures, but her breathing became steady.  A minute later, she opened them again.

She looked straight at me, and giggled. "Thomas! I had no idea! Things will be very interesting for you a year from now."

I pressed, but she refused to explain.

Of course, if she had told me a year ago that I'd be running from the police wearing only lime jello and a smile I'd never have believed her.

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