Found scrawled on a wall...

Johann Eisenstein, a Brujah from Germany sent this message to troll mid-December 1995. Johann is a friend(?) or at least a contact of Titus Annius, known as the Brujah, Milo.

It came to troll's attention that a pair of Methuselah Brujah were storming around Europe, causing many problems. It is thought that these two are the cause of the current unrest in Bosnia. It should be further noted that their generation, and hence their power, are extreme. Archons and Alastors are cautioned not to confront these individuals. In other words, it isn't our problem.

This information is provided merely as a cautionary notice to those who would travel in Europe at this time.

It should also be noted that the message was delivered via a spray-painted message on the exterior wall of a Tremere Chantry in NYC. I believe that the Tremere have been aware of the increasing presence of Brujah already, though this should provide further proof.

Milo, Titus Annius, Roman politgangster,
friend and confident of Cicero.
Born in Lanuvium. Tribun 27 anno Domini.
Follower of the Optimate party.
Archenemy is/was Clodius, a follower of the Popular party.
(Clodius was Embraced 52 anno Domini. He is a revolutionary Brujah.)
Milo took power in Rome supported by his ruffians.
He was exiled 46 anno Domini.
Born to Darkness 48 anno Domini.
He is an individual and idealistic Brujah and a confidant of the Justicar.
Milo has been known to support some Ventrue & Camarilla members.
And he still fights against his anarchistic archenemy Clodius ...

Es war ein weiterer Zynimus
der Geschichte der Republik
in ihrer Endzeit, dass Cicero,
ein Homo Novus, und Milo,
ein Niemand aus Nirgendwo,
sich fuer die Aristokratie einsetzten
und Caesar und Clodius, die aus den
vornehmsten patrizischen Familien stammten,
die Interessen des Plebs verfolgten.
"It was another cynical moment
of the Republic's history
in its last phase, that Cicero
a Homo Novus, and Milo,
a nobody from nowhere,
fought for aristocracy,
and Caesar and Clodius, who came
from the most sophisticated patrician families,
followed the interest of the Plebians."

I wish you a happy Christmas
und guten Rutsch

Johann Eisenstein

Johann can be reached via e-mail at
Much thanks for the translation to Stefanie Trinkl.