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Campers' Group Bulletin - Summer 1997

Campers' Group Bulletin - Summer 1997

First-time campers are welcome on all our Summer trips, EXCEPT Fire Island National Seashore. Although Fire Island is very beautiful, its environment is harsher than any of the other parks listed here; the sun, rain and bugs can make you miserable if you're not fully equipped.

To reserve space on a trip, call its leaders Sunday to Wednesday of the previous week, before 10 P.M. If you need information earlier than that, call David Levner at 718-897-1448.

To go on a camping or cabin trip, you must be a member. You can mail us your dues or pay at the site. One year's membership costs $12 for an individual or $18 for a family ($8 or $12 if you receive the newsletter by e-mail). Make out your check to Campers' Group and send it to David Levner, 63-36 98th Place, Apt. 5J, Rego Park, NY 11374.


June 13-15, Taconic State Park, Millerton, NY
See mighty Bashbish falls, or swim in Rudd Pond. Boat rentals available. Hiking, bicycling. Near Alander Peak and Brace Mountain. Hot showers and flush toilets. NO CALLS BEFORE JUNE 8.

Ben Hager 718-829-0446 & Israel Sacolick 718-252-7655

Saturday June 21, Mermaid Parade, Coney Island, NY
Welcome Summer with this annual rite of passage which draws a colorfully-dressed crowd of sea-floats, mermaids, mermen, merkids and marine critters to the famous resort. Dress as your favorite sea-creature for a parade and costume-judging on the boardwalk, or just come to watch, eat cotton candy and Nathan's hot dogs and enjoy the amusement park. NO CALLS BEFORE JUNE 15.

Judith Gross 718-392-3288

July 3-6, High Point State Park, Sussex, NJ
Celebrate our country's birthday without fireworks. Swim, boat, fish, hike the Appalachian Trail or ride your mountain bike. Enjoy the view from the highest point in the State of New Jersey. Pit toilets on the site, showers and flush toilets at the lake. Limited to 30 people. NO CALLS BEFORE JUNE 28.

Angel Cardenas 718-601-2551 & David Levner 718-897-1448

July 18-20, Stokes State Forest, Branchville, NJ
We're returning to shady Group Site H. This park has many hiking trails including six miles of the Appalachian Trail. You can also swim, boat and fish. There are great views from the top of Sunrise Mountain and in the Tillman Ravine Natural Area. Toilets at the site but no showers. Limited to 20 people. NO CALLS BEFORE JULY 13.

Madeleine Dorval 718-789-3651 & Denise Drossos 718-435-3169

August 1-3, Swartswood State Park, Newton, NJ
Escape the heat to the shores of Lake Swartswood. You can hike around it or swim in it. The park rents canoes, rowboats and paddleboats, and stocks the lake with fish. We've reserved a shady group site that holds 20 people. Pit toilets at site, flush toilets and showers at the lake. NO CALLS BEFORE JULY 27.

Joann Hawker 718-488-7482 & Bob Keilbach 718-358-8568

August 8-10, Promised Land State Park, Canadensis, PA
Camp on a peninsula jutting out into Promised Land Lake. Swim at Pickerel Point, a short walk from the site, or rent a canoe and tool around Promised Land Lake. The ambitious can bicycle around the lake or explore the Bruce Lake Natural Area. The rest of us will follow the self-guided nature trail around Conservation Island. Outhouses by the site, flush toilets and 50-cent hot showers in another part of the park. NO CALLS BEFORE AUGUST 3.

Jeff Rosen 212-534-1024 & Michael Scott 212-727-2692

August 15-19, Fire Island National Seashore, Watch Hill, NY
Camp behind the dunes by the Atlantic Ocean. Enjoy miles of secluded, clothing-optional beaches, or hike on a boardwalk nature trail through salt marshes, fresh water marshes, thickets and forests. The birds and vegetation are spectacular, but beware of the ticks. Flush toilets and tepid showers. You must have your own tent and be an experienced camper to go on this trip. Limited to 30 people. NO CALLS BEFORE AUGUST 10.

Bamidele Adeyemi 212-932-8309 & Kirsten Andersen 914-923-9428

August 29-September 1, Worthington State Forest, Columbia, NJ
Camp on a group site by the Delaware River. Swim, boat or fish right from the campsite. Hikers can climb up the Appalachian Trail to Sunfish Pond, an unspoiled glacial lake, or visit the Mohican Outdoor Center nearby. Chemical toilets by the site, flush toilets and showers in another part of the park. Limited to 30 people. NO CALLS BEFORE AUGUST 24.

Renee Bash 212-362-1202 & Brian Ribner 718-253-3063

Thursday September 4, Mailing Party, Queens, NY
Help us mail the Fall newsletter and we'll buy you dinner. The menu consists of spam, spam, spam, spam and spam. Be the first one on your block to get the Fall newsletter.

David Levner 718-897-1448

  Benevolent Dictator   David Levner    718-897-1448 :-)
  Treasurer             Cathie Carmen   718-463-2431

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