What follows is even more disturbing and just plain
uglythan this wallpaper.
In fact, it may be more ugly that this banner ad
While there is no scientific evidence gathered on this subject,
I would like to state now, and FOR THE RECORD that I am not responsible
for any medical problems, injuries, social problems, or cosmetic problems
that might arise from viewing theBad
Hair Web Page.
Effects may include: cardiac arythmia, stroke, cancer, (We're
still working with the rats on this one) diabetes, a poor social life,
epilepsy, PMS, alcoholism, obsessive compulsive behavior, the mange, and
(of course) BAD HAIR .
Gee, it appears to produce the illusion of banner ads
It is strongly recommended that you think seriously before
you view this page. If you haven't considered the dangers inherent in this
sort of activity, go back to
my home page.
For the benefit of the truly clueless, JUST CLICK ON "Bad
Hair Web Page" to see all the bad hair.