Keywords: Electronic Newsletter for Queens College GSLIS

First emailed edition of the student newsletter; includes listserver instructions for students.

KEYWORDS 1:1--14 February 1996



1) Welcome
2) Keywords
3) Call for FAQs
4) Forming an SLA Student Chapter
5) News Digests
6) Periodicals Watch
7) Listserving Suggestions
8) Library Tours
9) CUNY+ Workshop
10) Added Entries



WELCOME and welcome back to school. To all of you who are new, please note
that the next message you will be getting from GLISnet is my original
proposal for this listserver. It is being posted for the sake of archiving
it. Feel free to write to me with your suggestions concerning this
listserver. Right now, things are open, and I am sure that the listserver
will wind up being defined by its participants rather than any one person
or entity, even though it is a communications organ of the GSLIS Student


2) Keywords

The first edition of the newly redesigned and renamed Student Association
Newsletter, KEYWORDS, should be in everyone's mailboxes next week. Its
contents include the following:

Why Black History Month? by Andrew Jackson
What QBPL Can Do for You by Margaret Borger
Membership in a Professional Association by Katherine Cray
New York City ALA Conference Mentor Program by Rocco Cassano

plus, a movie review, an editorial, and Internet propaganda.

The next printed issue of KEYWORDS is due out in mid-March 1996. If you
have any ideas concerning either the electronic or print versions of the
newsletter, or concerning activities for the Student Association, contact
Seth Bookey directly at or


3) Call for FAQs

Our first idea for electronic democracy comes from Dr. Surprenant, who
suggests a GSLIS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list. Think of some of
the questions you have, or used to have, and send them along, hopefully
with the answers, to my email accounts at and

So, to get the ball rolling, I have some questions I would like answered.

Q: What exactly is required in the 709 class? What sort of paper is
expected and required? What are the differences between working alone
and with a group, in terms of the work expected?


4) Forming an SLA Student Chapter

GSLIS Director Dr. Marianne Cooper recently told me that about one-third
of our student body (approximately more than 125 people) goes into
special librarianship. Yet, we do not have a student chapter. If you are
interested in working on a committee concerning this, please contact Seth
Bookey at Meetings are likely going to be held in
cyberspace. The initial process involves writing a letter to the Special
Libraries Association with a minimum of five students who are already SLA
Members or Student Members and following their guidelines. Feel free to

For more information on Student Chapters, or a look at other Student
Chapters, consult the Special Library Association's Homepage.


5) News Digests

A feature of the electronic version of KEYWORDS that will not be in the
print version will be news digests, to be compiled by Margaret Borger and
Seth Bookey. If you see news items concerning libraries and/or
librarianship, feel free to write us or leave a clipping in our mailbox.
The items can come from either library science periodicals or general
periodicals and newspapers.

If you want to do a write-up of your own, send it directly to us, to
avoid duplication. Make sure to attribute the item and put anything that
is not in your own words in quotes, followed by an attribution, like,
"according to Library Journal." Items are subject to review to avoid
plagiarism and mistakes. Send submissions to:

Seth Bookey,,
Margaret Borger,


6) Periodicals Watch

If you are a regular reader of a library science periodical, let us know
what they are writing about. If you want to point us to a great article
but don't want to digest it, send us all a note at Tell us the name and author of the article,
and in which issue it can be found. This is FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. So if
you are already reading a periodical regularly, consider "adopting a
title" and letting us know which articles are catching your eye. Once a
month we will publish a list of which periodicals are being scanned and by


7) Listserving Suggestions

Are you on other library-related listservers? Feel free to forward
subscription instructions and a brief description of the listserver
(including information concerning both content AND frequency) to Suggestions and information will be collected
for future issues of the electronic version of Keywords. If you see
something you think we absolutely must know about, post it to


8) Library Tours

The Benjamin S. Rosenthal Library at Queens College is offering guided
tours from 5 February to 1 March 1996. They are offered Mondays through
Thursdays at 9:30 AM, 1 PM, and 5 PM, and Fridays at 9:30 AM and 1 PM.

Sign up at the Information Desk, Main Floor, or call 718.997.3748. The
tours last up to 30 minutes.


9) CUNY+ Workshop

The Benjamin S. Rosenthal Library is offering CUNY+ OPAC workshops. They
are offered Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 1:30-2:00 PM at
Rosenthal 225. The reference desk should also have copies of the library's
scheduled hours of operation, instructions for logging on to CUNY+ from
your own modem, and a list of the addresses and phone numbers of all the
CUNY libraries. The latter two handouts are essential to managing the time
spent looking up items versus actually getting to look at them.


10) Added Entries

Well, that's about it for our first-ever electronic version of KEYWORDS.
Since this is a new project, there are going to be inevitable problems and
things we just plain don't know. So feel free to send me your suggestions
and let me know if I missed something entirely. Write to me at or

ONE CAVEAT: If you have any questions or comments, DO NOT hit the reply
feature, but rather, write to me at the addresses above directly. First,
replies to this message will go to the entire list. So if you want a
private message publicly transmitted accidentally, that is how it could
happen. Postings to the GLISnet are being archived, so it would be
easier not to fill that archive with messages that were not intended for
it. The most common mistake is when people UNSUBSCRIBE and the entire
list gets email with that one word in the text area. And that person is
STILL on the list.

ARCHIVES: All the postings to GLISnet are automatically archived. The
archives are accessible via an e-mail file server called GLISlog. Send an
e-mail message to GLISlog@QCVAXA.ACC.QC.EDU or GLISlog (from QCVAXA) that
says HELP for more info. Only subscribers to the list may access the

RERUNS: In the first few months, some items will be repeated for the sake of
archiving them so future subscribers can access particular files on their
own. Electronic and print versions of the Archive's Tables of Contents
will be provided.

TIP: Typing out can be pretty tedious. If your emailer
allows you to create aliases, do so for the following addresses.
This is the actual listserver. Only write here if you want EVERYONE
to see what you have to contribute. Teachers are subscribed, too.
Let's try to keep the complaining and bickering that plagues other
listservers to a minimum.
This is the GLISnet archives.
This is where you subscribe, unsubscribe, and get other information.

LET's JUST STOP THIS: If you want to unsubscribe from this listserver,
send a message to with the word
UNSUBSCRIBE in the text area. Leave the subject line empty. DO NOT send
the message to You will still be subscribed
and the whole list will get your message.


Posted: Thu - March 23, 2006 at 02:40 AM        
