About Kestrell

I'm only 31.75542% - Total Geek according to this geek test but I have hopes of raising that; oo! I already did! One of my winter break projects was to make the Eerye wireless! (Thanks, Benji!)

I'm a student attending college in Boston, graduating in June 2004 and hopefully going on to grad school. I have spent the last three years working with testing and documenting how ebooks can be made accessible to disabled readers, and I would like to pursue this project in grad school.

When I am not writing about books, I am reading books. The Aerye has a lot of books (see below for more about aeries and kestrels). I like science fiction, horror, mysteries, history, cyberculture, and books about technology. Some of my favorite authors are:

Umberto Eco
Neil Stephenson
Elizabeth Peters
Tim Powers
Dorothy Sayers
M. R. James
Oliver Sacks
and others too numerous to mention.

You can read about what I am reading on my Live Journal.

Occasionally, I actually am not either working or reading. I attend a few science fiction conventions each year, including Arisia. I am addicted to Tech TV especially Leo.

People frequently ask me
"what's a kestrel?"
A kestrell is the smallest of the falcons (about the size of a robin) and here in the U.S. is sometimes called a sparrow hawk. It is unusual in two respects: it can hover in the air and it is amazingly adaptable and can live almost anywhere off anything.Kestrels are the smallest of the raptors to be used in falconry, and traditionally they were owned by priests. "Kestrel" also came to be used as a word meaning a low or common person (see "The Faerie Queen"). Typically, kestrels will live in caves, hollowed-out trees, or any hollow in the ground which offers shelter, but since I live in the tippy-top attic under the eaves of an old Victorian house, it is referred to as the Aerye.

Kestrel links:

American Kestrel at The Hawk Conservancy UK
American Kestrel
Kestrels Across America

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This page was last updated on January 9 2004