Emerald Press Catalog

About Emerald Press

Anonymous. The Boke of Secretes of Albartus Magnus, of the vertues of Herbes stones and certaine beastes... 1525. A popular book about Alchemy and related magical topics. Not actually by Albertus Magnus, but widely published under his name in the middle ages. Wouldn't be out of place in the New Age section of a modern bookstore. $10. Sample Section.

Boccaccio. A pleasaunt disport of divers noble personages. 1567. A marvelous collection of short fiction from the author of The Decameron. Like The Decameron, the stories are set within a framework of a party of nobles entertaining each other with stories. What sets this work apart is that each story poses a question, the merits of which are then debated by the audience. A wonderful view into the period mindset! (Makes a good SCA game, too.) $10. Sample Section.

Boiardo. Orlando Inamorato, the three first books... 1598. The first (partial) translation into English of the Italian epic poem that inspired Ariosto's Orlando Furioso. Something for everyone here: knights, wizards, beautiful ladies, giants, magic of all sorts, tournaments, treachery, honor, love, and death. $5. Sample Section.

Greene, Robert. The Books of Coney-catching, Volume I: A Notable Discovery of Cozenage, now daily practiced by sundry lewd persons, called Coney-catchers and Cross-biters... 1591. The first in a series of true-crime exposes from sixteenth century London. Focuses primarily on con men and prostitutes, with lots of interesting digressions on the side. Most of the criminal scams described in here can still be found in twentieth century New York, albeit frequently under different names. Illustrated. $5. Sample Section.

Greene, Robert. The Books of Coney-catching, Volume II: The Second part of Coney-catching... 1591. The second book in the series. This one expands the scope to deal with horse-thieves, pickpockets, burglars, and assorted other criminal types. This book also contains information about London's organized crime: a real, period Thieve's Guild! "Sir, if I had seen this book but two days since, it had saved me nine pound in my purse." Illustrated. $5 Sample Section.

Kay, Alexander. Storytelling in the SCA, written by myself. A treatise on the art of Storytelling, specifically in reference to the particular needs of the SCAdian context. Includes useful advice for everyone from the novice to the master. $5. Sample Section.


I hope to have Web-purchasing and credit card capabilities available at some point. Until then, purchases may be made by sending a check made out to Alexander Kay to the address listed below.

Shipping and Handling charges are $2.50 for the first book and $1.00 for each book after that. Conversely, if you're going to be at a Boston-area SCA event, an East Kingdom University, or at Pennsic, you should be able to pick them up in person. Call or e-mail first to make sure I'll be there.

Bulk/Merchant discounts are negotiable.

Emerald Press
Alexander Kay
(617) 265-8136
12 Melville Avenue
Dorchester, MA 02124

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