I was watching Monday’s The Daily Show last night. In the Episode, Jon highlighted the McCain campaigns attempt to divide the country in two. Large cities and urban areas (where most people live), and smaller towns and rural areas (so called “real America”). Palin was quoted as telling those listeners that “real America” is where the heros come from, where the people that serve the country in the military come from, where our values come from, and basically took a great big steaming dump on the people that live in populated areas.

I find such things intolerable.

At this point, I wonder if I am a real american? I live in a small town in rural Washington, so that probably helps. Pullman doesn’t have a street named after MLK, and the closest large city doesn’t either. Then again, I’m educated at a University, that while it is not considered elite, is well regarded. I believe that a healthy economy will leave a class of people behind, and it is the responsibility of the government to help those that can’t help themselves. I believe in tax policies that encourage small businesses and individuals, not large businesses and ultra-successful individuals. I believe that economies are based on physical realities, not the simple pursuit of money. I believe that health care should be an absolute right, not a privilege for those that can afford to take advantage of it. I believe that all rights granted to us in the first 10 amendments are important, but none more so than the 1st (not the 2nd).

I guess that makes me a Fake American. Fuck off Palin, and stop insulting me.

I voted for Barack Obama. I did so because I truly believe he is the most likely candidate to improve my life. Barack truly believes in the middle class and equity. I’ve donated to his candidacy, even to the point of forgoing charity donations because I feel that changing politics in this country is the most important thing that needs to happen. We have lost so much in the last 8 years, I cannot contemplate what kind of country would consider allowing more of the same. Is that anti-american?