Way to go cougs. I can’t figure out which I’m the most disappointed in. There’s plenty to choose from.

To start, there’s the student fans. Way to show up and support the team, guys. When I was a student in 1999 and 1998, in those awful years after the Rose Bowl loss to Michigan, I showed up just like I did in 1997 when we won. It’s part of being a Coug, you take the good with the bad.

Of course, there’s bad, and there’s bad. This team wasn’t just bad. This team was “I can’t run the ball, but I’m afraid to throw it, so I guess we just won’t do anything today” bad. For fucks sake, when running the ball doesn’t work, try the pass. It might work. We as fans didn’t show up to watch a team roll over like that. Put up a fight man, it’s all we ask anymore.

We sat there and watched for 2 hours as it appeared that nobody dressed in the Crimson and Grey felt any importance to this game. It was like watching a bad high school game. That makes me sad.

And finally, while my other ticket often gets given away to friends or family, it once again went unused. That’s right, tickets on the 46 yard line can’t be given away. I can’t say I blame the fickle fan that much any more.

I can’t believe I paid to watch games like that one. Even when we were losing to Idaho, we played with some heart.