It is not exactly a secret that I am not a fan of spring. I lived in western Washington for 18 years and have become very intolerant of rain. Fortunately, on the east side of the Cascades, we don’t get so much of it. I’ve actually started to enjoy the occasional rain again.

Spring, however, tends to be too much of a good thing. It doesn’t rain occasionally, it rains quite a bit. It isn’t as bad as Olympia, but it’s more than I care to “enjoy”.

There are good things associated with spring though. As the snow recedes, the local Mountain Bike trails open, so I can trade my skis for my Epic.

This weekend, Silver is re-opening. For Memorial Day Weekend, I have to make a choice: Do I strap on two waxed sticks and barrel down (barely) frozen water? Or do I ride two skinny tires down a narrow winding trail, avoiding trees as I go?

Whatever would I do without challenging questions such as these?