Originally uploaded by wsumgdriver

Every year, with some exceptions, Corey and I go to Mount St. Helens and ride the epic Ape Canyon/Plains of Abraham trail.

The trail starts at the end of FS-83 on the southeast corner of the mountain, near the Muddy River as it flows in to Lava Canyon. It climbs from 2800 feet to around 4200 feet in a little over 5 miles, mostly on a wonderful dirt trail in old growth fir.

Once the initial climb is done, the Ape Canyon trail (#234) links to trail #216 and continues north through the Plains of Abraham on the way to Windy Ridge.

In years past, we’ve not made it beyond the beginning of the plains. This year, we made it to the ridge. I was tired enough that I began to make mistakes, so I stopped short of everybody else and was able to see them from a distance.

Originally uploaded by wsumgdriver

Unfortunately, this year was exceptional in one bad way. This was the first year since the very first ride in 2005 that Corey was unable to join. In 2005, it was just Corey and me. In 2006, Steve Gravrock joined in the fun. In 2007, we did not ride. I went to California instead and it just didn’t come together. In 2008, Steve couldn’t make it, but Corey, Morgan, and I still kept on the tradition. This year, Corey had to work, leaving Morgan, Geoff, Steve, and me to ride without him.

On the plus side, Corey was able to come out the day before and together, we rode the Lewis River trail #31 from where we made camp at the Horse Camp downstream to the Lower Falls Recreation Area

Other pictures can be found in a shared flickr pool where Steve, Corey, and I contributed images.