Not a Southdown

I had a strange dream this morning. I wrote down some notes immediately after I woke so I wouldn’t forget them. So of course, the notes are terrible.

Dreams of sheep shows and simpler times (semi lucid). Southdowns. Grooming. Contortions of kilts. Like riding a bike.

What the hell does that mean?

Here’s what I remember. I was somehow involved in a fit & show competition. There were sheep involved. Southdowns. On the lawn of the WSU Administration building. A throwback to my youth, I suppose. At some point, I became lucid enough that I started to try to control the dream. That’s when I realized I was wearing a utilikilt. I don’t think wearing a kilt while squatting down to hold an animal that might reach 35” at the chin is a good idea, but whatever, I was dreaming. And I was winning too (odd, I was never that successful when I actually raised them).

But the thing I remember most was that I knew I was dreaming and that it was very strange, but I wanted it to continue because the alternative was to wake up. And I really didn’t want to wake up. I was quite happy to stay in the dream for a while.

Semi-lucid dreams being what they are, of course I woke up. 15 minutes before the alarm was due to go off. Natch,