For the past few days, I have habitually opened my web browser and gone to facebook. It’s only when I get there that my fingers catch up with my brain and I remember I disabled that account, remember?

Facebook is evil. It always has been, of course. This isn’t new. But the thing is, facebook is a special kind of evil. It’s the kind of evil that makes friends into ex-friends, because even while you are not anonymous there, you do get empowered by the cult of like-minded thinking. It doesn’t really matter which side of a spectrum you are on, the cult thinking pervades.

Over the past few months, I had essentially stopped posting there and started lurking only. It was occasionally worth it.

I’m sure I’ll miss a lot of the social side of social networking, but frankly, I’m excited to re-invest in other networks. I’ll go back to using flickr again. I’ll try to post more here. I’ll still be around, I just won’t be there.