- Archimedes
Archimedes is unlike any other calculators currently available in the market, providing a ready reference to scores of formulas, and programmability. Included are approximately 60 preprogrammed equations, including medical specialties such as Cardiology and Pharmacology, and equations useful for personal finance and accounting.
- AssistCalc version 3.5
A programmable calculator that uses hand writing recognition. From Catamount Software.
- Basis Module
Basis allows base number calculations and conversions -- It supports decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal with a full set of arithmetic and boolean functions, and a full complement of special functions such as shifting.
-- Commercial (download not available)
- Calc++ and MiniCalc++
Calc++ and MiniCalc++ Version 4.8 - Two fast scientific calculators for Newton platform devices. Shareware $15 US dollars. Newton OS 2 Compatibility. Enhanced compatibility with German Newtons. Added a date calculator, "Date++". 18 scientific constants. Includes speed of light, Plancks, Boltzmann, etc. Tape - Recording tape available for copying old equations and results to the clipboard.
- Calx for Newton
Calx 2.0 is a collection of over a dozen different calculators integrated into one easy-to-use program for Newton. Whether it's figuring the tip in a restaurant, paying the babysitter, an equation in Calculus class, or the number of tablespoons in a cup, Calx takes the hassle out of numbers. Professionals will appreciate Calx 2.0's powerful set of scientific, statistical, and industry-specific calculators, including solutions for film editors, architects, and computer programmers.
- Eclipse FX
Eclipse is the most complete calculator for the Newton, with graphing, matrix manipulation, base calculations, and full programmability.
- FlatEarth
Installs a new item into the formula roll. It performs flat earth calculations. Enter 2 of the 3: altitude, slant range, depression angle (degrees) and the third is calculated.
-- Freeware
- GraFX
Fast, real-time graphing of functions and polynomials with large graph display area, true point and report cursor, maximum & minimum values, and zooming ability
-- Commercial (download not available)
- HexConv
Formula ottoPart (oops) autoPart which adds Hex <-> Decimal conversion to the Newton's formula roll.
-- Freeware
- Law of Cosines
A calculator demo which you can input two angles or any three known parameters of a triangle, and it will calculate the remaining information. LOC will then display a picture of the triangle which you can save to the notepad along with all the information about the triangle. The triangle displayed is in scale, unless you have the screen rotated into landscape mode on the Newton 2.0 Units picker : Default is degrees, or you can select radians, this defines both the values you input, and the values output.
-- Shareware
- MathLib
MathLib is an object-oriented library of advanced mathematical functions that are available to any program on NOS 2.x that accepts NewtonScript input. It covers complex math, calculus, general linear regression, simultaneous equations and many statistical functions. Some functions (in the complex plane) are Bessel, Zeta, PolyGamma, Bernoulli, Euler, Integral, IncompleteBeta... Also includes random number generation in numerous probability distributions. Can be used with NSBASIC with ease as well as many spreadsheet programs.
-- Commercial (demo available for download)
- Matrix Module
Fast "pen and paper" entry of matrices up to 10 x 10. Performs standard operations such as addition and multiplication. Includes special features such as lower and upper decomposition, matrix inversion, transposing, and much more. Solves linear equation sets fast and accurately Allows naming, saving and recalling of matrices.
-- Commercial (download not available)
- Nick's HexDez
HexDez is the ultimate converter for all those programmers. Handles bin, oct, dez, 1's complement, 2's complement and decimal numbers with 8, 16, 32 bit and converts from any base to any base.
-- Freeware
- PowerSet
Designed by engineers, perfected by computer scientists, and tested by users like you. The PowerSet comes with more standard features than any calculator in it's class. With features such as lower and upper decomposition of matrices, right and left shifting of binary numbers, and the ability to solve quadratic equations both real and complex, the PowerSet is the true professionals choice.
-- Commercial (download not available)
- ProCALC 12C
proCALC 12C equips your Newton with an industry standard business tool. proCALC 12C has been designed specifically for real estate, retailing and business professionals who need to use their Newton to make fundamental financial decisions quickly and accurately.
- ProCALC Ex
Programmable problem solvers for the Newton PDA -- Whether your field is science, engineering or business proCALC Ex provides you with a powerful problem-solving environment on the Newton. Designed for technical professionals who need the flexibility of RPN or algebraic input logic, proCALC Ex comes with over 95 built-in scientific and business functions.
- TaxCalc
This extention adds a new panel to the built-in Formulas app that helps you to calculate sales tax and other values associated with it.
-- Freeware
- TipCalc
This extention adds a new panel to the built-in Formulas application. This panel helps you to calculate the tip and split the bill. Common tip percentages and numbers of ways to split are presented in pickers. It even allows you to post the ammount to PocketMoney (if installed).
-- Freeware
- TrackIt
Record and graph any set of numbers. The data set can be time based or just a sequential set of numbers. If the data set is time based the X axis will graph the points spaced to reflect the time between points.
-- Shareware
- TraderPDQ
A securities pricing calculator. It calculates the price, yield and discount for Bonds, Notes and Bills. It is similar in function to the HP-12C calculator, and the Monroe Trader.
- UnitMath
UnitMath is a powerful addition for the Newton MessagePad. It computes formulas anywhere you can write in the Newton OS, making calculations faster and more convenient than ones done using the MessagePad's calculator. However, the real strength of UnitMath comes into play when dealing with equations that involve units. UnitMath recognizes hundreds of units, and automatically converts them, saving you the trouble. It handles uncertainties as well, and lets you know how much you can rely on the answer. It lets the user define variables, and makes repeated calculations easy.
-- Commercial (demo available for download)
- Virtual Intern Medical Calculator
PDA Medical offers the Virtual Intern Medical Calculator for free -- A complete pen driven and text recognizing medical calculator that includes an abundance of formulas such as Anion gap, Cardiac output/index, Art-venous O2 difference, Shunt fraction, Mean arterial pressure, Vascular resistance, Creatinine clearance, FENA, Serum osmolality, Basal energy expenditure, Body surface area, Ideal body weight, Estimated date of confinement, pediatric dosing calculator, A- a DO2 gradient, Conversions and more.
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