- AMUG's Newton SIG
The AMUG Newton Archive has over 1,500 shareware packages for the Newton
- ceMis
ceMis - centre of excellence for Mobile information systems - A mobile computing consulting and distribution company based in Australia. Specialists in Newton core technology and custom applications. Pacific distributor of FormLogic and Wayfarer Enterprise Server.
- NewtNews
A weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies.
- Newton Breeding Page
Jason Mauer's Newton Breeding Page contains interesting info about the Newton and Newton-related topics.
- Newton Cafe
For Italian Newton users.
- Newton Central
Daily news and updates about the Newton.
- Newton Classifieds
A free service intended for use by individuals and companies providing good deals on Newtons and Newton stuff.
- Newton Gallery
A newton family tree (of sorts) that has photos and fact sheets on all the newton devices ever released (and one that was not released). At the top of the heap is the MP2000 room with tons of images (non-apple newton devices are also represented).
- Newton in Russia
The focus of the site is to discuss Russian specific MessagePad problems, and to provide a forum for Russian Newton developers to discuss their software offerings.
- Newton Infos Services
Newton Infos Services est le service gratuit d'assistance Newton en France. Sur ce site, vous trouvez les informations sur l'assistance tiliphonique aux utilisateurs d'Apple MessagePads Newton, le service aprhs-vente Newton, ainsi que le service Web et FTP de Newton Assistance.
- Newton Mania
- Newton.Info
A cornucopia of information about the Newton, including Newt Group, an online chat area.
- Nisus® Writer
This is a Nisus® Writer macro which formats NewtNews (and other internet documents) for speaking by the Macintosh Text-to-Speech extension.
- planet Newton
[ New: 12/12/97 ]
Delivering a central place on the 'Net for rabid Newton fans like us to get together, read the latest Newton news, share usage and technical tips, download shareware and freeware, and get honest reviews of Newton products.
- propad
German PDA and Handheld PC Competence Center. Here propad offers News, Trial-Versions, product-information, online ordering User-Forums for Newton, PSION, HP Omnigo and Pilot.
- The Newton Archive
Another Newton web site filled with pictures, books, and links for the Apple Newton. Don't forget to take the Newton Survey.
- The ULTIMATE Newton
Lots and lots of information about the Newton!
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