Daniel Convissor's Web Site (is in the midst of reconstruction):

Amtrak Northeast Corridor Boston-New Haven Electrification

Amtrak has completed most electrification design work and tie replacement for the upgrade of the New York-Boston segment of its Northeast Corridor line. Amtrak says these improvements, along with curve realignments and a new signal and traffic control system, will allow enable train speeds up to 150mph in the corridor. Connecticut stands to benefit from the additional travel and from specific improvements like track reconfiguration to accommodate more train traffic at the New Haven and Stamford stations. Yet Governor Rowland fears more high-speed passenger trains could complicate access to Long Island Sound for recreational boaters who pass under movable railroad bridges and could disrupt freight rail service to shoreline businesses. To address these concerns and better chances for the requisite CT permit approvals for the project, Amtrak has planned $80 million in capital improvements (such as the replacement and renovation of several bridges), as well as operational changes. In December, the Hartford Courant urged CT to clear the way for the project, reasoning "one state should not stand in the way of an improvement that promises transportation, environmental and economic improvements to the Eastern Seaboard." Electrification work in Massachusetts and Connecticut will begin this year.

Mobilizing the Region Number 60, 5 January 1996, published by the Tri-State Transportation Campaign


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Last updated: 4 April 1999