Daniel Convissor's Web Site (is in the midst of reconstruction):

New York City's Regional Statistics at a Glance, 1990

                 Population     Housing     Autos &  MV's/  MV's/
                                  Units       Taxis    Pop  Hous.

Bronx             1,203,789     440,955     270,613   0.22   0.61
Kings             2,300,664     873,671     490,417   0.21   0.56
New York          1,487,536     785,127     209,358   0.14   0.27
Queens            1,951,598     752,690     743,440   0.38   0.99
Richmond            378,977     139,726     211,664   0.56   1.51
-------------     ---------   ---------   ---------   ----   ----
New York City     7,322,564   2,992,169   1,925,492   0.26   0.64

Dutchess            259,462      97,632     181,135   0.70   1.86
Nassau            1,287,348     446,292     962,065   0.75   2.16
Orange              307,647     110,814     190,795   0.62   1.72
Putnam               83,941      31,898      67,823   0.81   2.13
Rockland            265,475      88,264     189,910   0.72   2.15
Suffolk           1,321,864     481,317     975,092   0.74   2.03
Westchester         874,866     336,727     696,624   0.80   2.07
-----------       ---------   ---------   ---------   ----   ----
NY Suburbs        4,400,603   1,592,944   3,263,444   0.74   2.05

Bergen              825,380     324,817     491,849   0.60   1.51
Essex               778,206     298,710     373,576   0.48   1.25
Hudson              553,099     229,682     206,763   0.37   0.90
Middlesex           671,780     250,174     378,749   0.56   1.51
Monmouth            553,124     218,408     318,148   0.58   1.46
Morris              421,353     155,745     255,947   0.61   1.64
Passaic             453,060     162,512     251,445   0.55   1.55
Somerset            240,279      92,653     128,743   0.54   1.39
Union               493,819     187,033     326,532   0.66   1.75
----------        ---------   ---------   ---------   ----   ----
New Jersey        4,990,100   1,919,734   2,731,752   0.55   1.42

Central Naugatuck   261,081     104,295     152,160   0.58   1.46
Greater Bridgeport  299,708     116,486     171,586   0.57   1.47
Housatonic Valley   187,867      72,447     124,976   0.67   1.73
South Central       536,853     219,100     304,765   0.57   1.39
South Western       329,935     132,470     235,131   0.71   1.77
Valley               80,308      31,630      51,390   0.64   1.62
----------------  ---------     -------   ---------   ----   ----
Connecticut       1,695,752     676,428   1,040,008   0.61   1.54

Summary          Population     Housing     Autos &  MV's/  MV's/
                                  Units       Taxis    Pop  Hous.

New York City     7,322,564   2,992,169   1,925,492   0.26   0.64
NY Suburbs        4,400,603   1,592,944   3,263,444   0.74   2.05
New Jersey        4,990,100   1,919,734   2,731,752   0.55   1.42
Connecticut       1,695,752     676,428   1,040,008   0.61   1.54
-------------    ----------   ---------   ---------   ----   ----
Region Total     18,409,019   7,181,275   8,960,696   0.49   1.25

Raw data is from Regional Transportation at a Glance, 1990 published by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council.

Formatting and calculations, including Motor Vehicles/Population and Motor Vehicles/Housing Units, by Daniel Convissor.

2000 Census data showing NYC car ownership


This page is hosted by Daniel Convissor
Home Page: http://www.panix.com/~danielc/
Email: danielc@panix.com

This URL: http://www.panix.com/~danielc/region/veh-pop.htm
Last updated: 4 April 1999