Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2016 16:34:31 -0400
From: Daniel Convissor <>
Subject: keep the crosswalk
Dear Friends:
The Village of Sleepy Hollow wants to remove the crosswalk on Pocantico St that aids people walking between the Van Tassel Apartments and Morse School. The crosswalk should remain because it's heavily used during school hours, and even throughout the day.
Most importantly, the crosswalk is at this location because it's where most people actually cross.
The only change needed is shifting the loading zone to the south side of the crosswalk and putting the handicapped spot on the north side of the crosswalk.
I suggested this back in February. The following link is to an explanation of my suggestions at that time. Neighbors were having problems with the crosswalk being blocked by people parking their cars. While the Village thankfully installed the bollards, the parking swap wasn't implemented.
"Public Discussion"
Tuesday, 11/8/16
7 pm
Village Hall
28 Beekman Ave
If you can't make it, please send an email to the Village Clerk: Paula McCarthy <>
You may hear that the crosswalk goes into Morse's driveway. It does not. It starts on the sidewalk _next_ to the driveway, just like nearly every other crosswalk in the world is next to the parallel street.
More Sleepy Hollow information is available on the web, @DanielConvissor and #SleepyHollowNY