Daniel Convissor's Website

Archives of Highway Battles

The archives consist of files of letters, news clippings and planning materials submitted by people involved in highway battles. The extent of the material varies considerably, but gives good insight into the issues, tactics of the planners, and citizen activities. Between the Highway Action Coalition and CONTACT-U.S. files, there are approximately 400 different cases. These extend from origins in the 1960's to the early 1980's. The files are organized by states. They provide source material for any research into planning conflicts over highways. The summary of the CONTACT cases is available as a reprint of the 1981 "Cookbook" published by that group. Copies free upon request.

Interested parties should contact:
Gary Nelson
2620 Lemontree Ln
Vienna VA 22181

work: 202-488-5718
home: 703-281-7876


This summary was written by Gary Nelson and is maintained by


This page is hosted by Daniel Convissor
Home Page: http://www.panix.com/~danielc/
Email: danielc@panix.com

This URL: http://www.panix.com/~danielc/usa/nelson.htm
Last updated: 4 April 1999