Daniel Convissor's Website

Managing Environmental Affairs

Corporate Practices in the U.S., Canada and Europe

by Catherine Morrison
The Conference Board, 1991

Primary Elements of Corporations' Environmental Strategies

                                             Percent of Firms Using Strategy
                                              Nationally       Internationally
                                           ---------------     ---------------
                                            US   Can   Eur      US   Can   Eur

1. Instal pollution control devices        86%   90%   68%     41%   32%   48%
2. Control via product/package redesign    51%   52%   45%     21%   20%   39%
3. Improve existing abatement              87%   91%   71%     38%   30%   48%
4. Change raw materials (source reduction) 77%   64%   47%     34%   19%   40%
5. Work voluntarily toward enviro goals    60%   52%   32%     27%   19%   26%
6. Compliance w/ enviro. regulations       76%   71%   53%     36%   23%   37%
7. Combination of 5 and 6                  63%   60%   37%     28%   22%   32%
8. Lobby to change enviro. regulations     65%   46%   32%     11%   13%   16%

[I modified the explanation of strategies layout purposes --dc]

External Constituents' Importance to Firm (by Percent)

                             Aggregate  United States    Canada       Europe

Customer                        35%          39%          29%          28%
Stockholder                     12%          12%           9%          16%
Federal/national governments    23%          27%          17%          17%
State/regional governments      34%          29%          53%          20%
Local governments               14%           9%          16%          30%
Environmental activists          2%           2%           2%           2%
Community                       10%           7%          17%           7%
Financial community              4%           5%           4%           3%
The media                        6%           5%           9%           7%

For more information about The Conference Board.


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Last updated: 7 April 1999